
  1. 承运车辆必须具有完备的商业保险,其中必须包含承运人责任险等强制性保险。

    Lease cars shall be equipped with complete commercial insurance , including the compulsory insurance , such as carrier liability insurance .

  2. 道路客运承运人责任险主要的保险保障包括三个部分:旅客人身伤亡赔偿;

    Theae are mainly three types of insurance protection : first , indemnity of the death of or bodily injury to passengers ;

  3. 道路运输承运人责任险制度安排的民法学与社会学分析承运人无单放货保险人是否承担责任的探讨

    Analysis of Motor Carrier s Cargo Liability Insurance Based on Civil Law and Sociology ; On the Responsibility of the Insurer for Releasing Cargo Without Bill of Lading by Carrier