
  • 网络technology optimism;tecinischer Optimismus
  1. 熵理论揭示了污染产生的作用机理,有助于打破器物至上和技术乐观主义的窠臼。

    The theory of entropy brought to light the mechanism of pollution , and has contributed to break the pattern of the implements supremacy and the technology optimism .

  2. 比尔盖茨(BillGates)可能是我遇到的最纯粹的技术乐观主义者。

    Bill Gates is perhaps the purest technological optimist I have met .

  3. 对于真正的技术乐观主义者,世界大战只是一段杂音。

    To the real techno-optimists , world wars are mere blips .

  4. 他既不属于技术乐观主义者也不属于技术悲观主义者。

    He is neither a technological optimist nor a pessimist .

  5. 技术乐观主义观、技术悲观主义者论、技术中立论。

    Technological optimism , pessimism on the view of technology , technology author .

  6. 对技术乐观主义和悲观主义的思考

    Thoughts on Optimism and Pessimism for Technology

  7. 长远来看,我认为马特里德利和比尔盖茨等技术乐观主义者终究会是正确的,世界会变得更富裕、更和平、更繁荣。

    In the long run , I think that the techno-optimists like Matt Ridley and Bill Gates will be vindicated . The world will get richer , more peaceful and more prosperous .

  8. 其次,技术乐观主义者的一个主要观点是,经济增长的官方数据低估了进步的真实程度,因为他们没有充分考虑真正的新产品所带来的益处。

    Second , one of the major arguments of techno-optimists is that official measures of economic growth understate the real extent of progress , because they don 't fully account for the benefits of truly new goods .

  9. 技术乐观主义和悲观主义都把技术作为社会发展的惟一决定性力量,淡化了或忽视了其他深层社会因素对技术发展的影响。

    However , those who hold the view of optimism and pessimism for technology mistake technology for the only decisive force which promotes social development , minimize or neglect other deep social factors which influence the development of technology .

  10. 诺顿出版社,27.95美元。一部对定义了人类统治时代的技术与创新的乐观主义研究报告。

    ( Norton , $ 27.95 . ) An optimistic survey of the technology and innovations that define our human-dominated epoch .

  11. 从分析技术悲观主义、技术乐观主义与技术现实主义的基础上审视技术价值观的选择,实施可持续发展的生态文明模式;

    It scans the choice of technology value on the foundation of analyzing technological pessimism 、 technological optimism and technological realism to implement sustainable development ecological civilization mode ;

  12. 中世纪的中后期则明显地表现出对技术的肯定态度,孕育出一种新的技术乐观主义。

    In the latter period of Middle Ages , a positive view of technology was formed , leading to a new optimism about technology .

  13. 对于现代技术,存在两种截然对立的观点:以实证主义为代表的技术乐观主义和以生态主义为代表的技术悲观主义。

    There are two completely opposite views about modern technology , one being technological optimism represented by positivism and the other being technological pessimism charactered by ecologism .