
  • 网络Technical culture;the culture of technology;techno-culture;technological literacy;technoculture
  1. 不同时代的哲学家以不同的态度和研究范式考察技术文化,他们对技术文化进行了现象描述和本质理解。

    The ancient philosophers view about techno-culture can be seen as the words collection of observing and describing .

  2. 技术文化不仅成为日常生活关注与应用的词语,而且它是技术哲学的核心问题之一。

    Techno-culture is not only the term observed and used in everyday lifehilosophers in different times have studied techno-culture in different attitudes and ways .

  3. 中国乒乓球运动发展的技术文化分析

    Technical and Cultural Analysis on Development of Table Tennis in China

  4. 纺织品类文物保护技术文化部文物保护科学技术研究所

    Institute of Antiquities Preservation Sciences and Techniques , Ministry of Culture

  5. 但戈斯指出,技术文化日新月异。

    But technology cultures change fast , he points out .

  6. 信息技术文化中课程改革观的探讨

    Probing in the Course Reforming Sense in Information Technology Culture

  7. 中国近现代技术文化观念的演变和影响

    Evolution and Influence of Contemporary Techno-Cultural Idea in China

  8. 研究型大学的现代化发展标志着中国现代化科学技术文化的发展。

    Modernization of Chinese research universities essentially shows progress of China modernization of science , technology and culture .

  9. 武技与武理技术文化层是由有技击内涵的身体动作及其动作的基本原理组成。

    The technique cultural level consists of body actions which can be used in fighting and their basic principles .

  10. 高职教育是技术文化体系,只能按产业、行业和部门设置院、系。

    Different industry , profession and departments in higher vocational education , which is the system of technology and culture .

  11. 项目沿线地区在逐步完善地区基础设施的过程中,技术文化水平也得到了很大发展。

    With the improvement of infrastructures in the lineside areas , the technical and cultural conditions will also be improved .

  12. 分析了传统的技术文化观念对我国现阶段科学技术发展的积极的和消极的两个方面的影响。

    The positive and negative effects of the traditional idea on China 's modern scientific and technological development are also discussed .

  13. 信息技术文化是信息技术教育中规范、价值、信仰和表意象征符号的复合体,信息技术文化冲突是普遍地、必然地存在着。

    The information technology civilization is the compound aspect of the standard , value , faith and the table images levies symbol .

  14. 梳理与反思近代中国的现代化思潮以及其间的技术文化观,不失为鉴古资今的重要尝试。

    It is worthwhile to look into the past so as to reflect on the thoughts of modern China 's modernization and modern China 's view of technical culture .

  15. 在我国,高等教育的主要任务是培养高级专门人才、发展科学技术文化和促进社会主义现代化建设。

    In China , the main task of higher education is to train highly qualified specialists , the development of science , technology and culture and the promotion of socialist modernization .

  16. 在技术文化层面,物联网意味着传播技术的进步,尽管物体具有一定程度的自主性,但它在一定意义上使人重回真实。

    On the technological culture level , Internet of Things means the technological progress of communication . Although things possess some degree of autonomy , it makes people to support the sense of reality .

  17. 与此同时,地域建筑技术文化发展存在自我整合机制。

    At the same time , the development of the regional architectural technology exists in the system of self-organization . In process of forming the architectural technological culture , it accepts the factors of external technology through negative feedback .

  18. 媒介技术文化的变迁过程是逐渐增进人对媒介的依存性,而当这种依赖性达到一定地步,就会导致人的异化,使得媒介成为左右人本身的异己力量。

    The changing process of Media technology is gradual promotion of human dependence on the media , this dependence reaches a certain point where it will lead to the alienation of the people , the media around itself alien force .

  19. 高等教育担负着为国家培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才、发展科学技术文化和促进社会主义现代化建设的重任。

    Higher education is to take on such heavy responsibilities as training and bringing up the high-level specialized personnel with the creativeness and practical abilities and developing science technology and culture so as to accelerate construction of the socialist modernization .

  20. 中篇:通过对地域建筑技术文化生成的探讨,揭示地域建筑技术文化的表征来自地域技术要素的作用。

    Chapter Two : By delving into the productive process of the technology of regional architectural culture , the author has brought to light that the feature of regional architectural technological culture comes from the function of regional technology principle .

  21. 《中华人民共和国高等教育法》指出:高等教育的任务是培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才,发展科学技术文化,促进社会主义现代化建设。

    According to the Higher Education Law of PRC , the task of higher education is to train high-level professional personnel with the innovative spirit and practical ability , to develop science , technology and culture , and to promote the socialist modernization drive .

  22. 但由于循环经济理念在我国石油企业生产、管理和建设中尚处于起步阶段,所以企业生态理念、道德文化、法制文化和技术文化建设还需要调整建设目标。

    However , as the recycling economic concept is still at an early stage in our enterprise production , management , and construction , so enterprises ecological concept , morality culture , legal culture and technology culture construction , still need to adjust their construction goals .

  23. 第十四条依照中国法律在中国投资或者同中国的企业、事业单位进行经济、科学技术、文化合作以及其他需要在中国长期居留的外国人,经中国政府主管机关批准,可以获得长期居留或者永久居留资格。

    Article 14 Aliens who , in compliance for prolonged or permanent residence in China upon approval by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government .

  24. IBM实现这个目标的方法提供了高效管理技术、文化、资源&以及制约因素方面的经验。

    How it got there is a lesson in effective management of technology , culture , resources & and restraint .

  25. 构成企业“基因”的“DNA双螺旋结构”的双链是资本链(Capital链)与劳动力链(Labor链)。连接双链的四个要素是企业家、企业机制、技术与文化。

    The double - spin structure of DNA is made up of labor chain and capital chain , which are connected by four factors : enterprise , mechanism , technology and culture .

  26. 跨国公司,全球市场营销,新兴通讯技术和文化融合的发展,使全球公共关系或者说PR得到了不平行的发展。

    The rise of multinational corporations , global marketing , new communications technologies , and shrinking cultural differences have led to an unparalleled increase in global public relation or PR.

  27. 以LED大屏幕为代表的户外电子媒介是一种既激进挑战了传统的电视概念、又将人们以全新途径聚集的新传播技术的文化景观。

    As represented by open space electronic media , LED big screen is a radical challenge to the traditional concept of TV . It also turns to the cultural landscape of the new communication technologies by a new way .

  28. 在技术与文化的互动中形成的RD文化的核心是促进RD共同体和组织的知识共享,通过知识生产来创造社会的经济价值、生态价值和人文价值。

    The core of RD culture which develops in the interaction between technology and culture is to promote the knowledge sharing of RD community and organization so that to produce social economic , ecological and human value through knowledge production .

  29. 第三,科学技术导致文化工业化。

    Thirdly , science and technology cause culture to be industrialized .

  30. 当代技术与文化背景下木材的表现

    The Wood Expressing Under the Contemporary Technology and Culture Background