
  • 网络technological opportunity;technology opportunity;technical opportunity
  1. 国际贸易、外部技术机会与国内RD投入基于中国制造业数据的实证研究

    International Trade , External Technological Opportunity and Domestic R & D Investment : An Empirical Study based on the Data of Manufacture in China

  2. 企业研发合作进入的成本与技术机会分析

    Analysis on Technological Opportunities and Entrance Cost of Enterprises into R & D Cooperation

  3. 首先,借鉴9-Windows创造性思维模型的思想,提出了一个引导技术机会分析的概念模型。

    First , in light of the 9-Windows model of creative thinking , the author proposed a new conceptual model for guiding Technology Opportunities Analysis .

  4. 基于科技文献的技术机会分析方法初探

    The Technology Opportunity Analysis Based on Science & Technology Document

  5. 不连续技术机会窗口的进入时机抉择

    Entrance time of window opportunity in the context of discontinuous technological change

  6. 但是他建议投资者在投资之前加强专业技能从而正确评估清洁技术机会。

    But he recommends that investors develop expertise to properly assess clean technology opportunities before spending their money .

  7. 每一个人都因为充足的项目预算和新的业务和技术机会而感到兴奋&看起来机会来了,但每个人同时也感受到了一定的压力。

    Everybody is excited , the initiative has a generous budget , there are new business and technical opportunities-it smells like change , but with a certain amount of pressure on everybody .

  8. 本文通过对科技评价及其数学背景的复杂性深刻分析,提出以技术机会分析手段代替一般的基于关键词的查新,以提高科技评价的客观性和公正性。

    By the detail analysis to technology evaluation and its non-linear background , a suggestion was made of substitution keyword based innovation check by technology opportunity analysis to increase the objective of an evaluation .

  9. 这家生产谷歌(Google)手机的公司打算加大攻势,充分利用世界第一大通讯市场推出3G移动技术的机会。

    His company , which makes the Google phone , intends to make a big push to take advantage of the launch of third-generation mobile technology in the world 's biggest telecommunications market .

  10. 有没有获得某项前沿技术的机会?

    Gain the opportunity of technology of some forward position ?

  11. 21世纪环境科学中核分析技术的机会

    Opportunity of nuclear analytical techniques in environmental sciences at the 21st century

  12. 护生临床实习护理技术操作机会减少的原因分析及对策

    Analysis of causes With countermeasure of nursing exercise chance decrease To the Student in clinic practice

  13. 个人技术发展机会和职业发展方向是技术员工离职的特质性重要影响因素。

    Thirdly , personal career development chance and career orientation are very important specific influencing factors for technology staffs .

  14. 在社会高度信息化的今天,多媒体网络为学生的数学建模提供了一个应用现代信息技术的机会。

    Today , Multimedia-network has offered a chance for students to apply modern information and technology to mathematical modeling .

  15. 当企业做到这些后,就需要企业建立起对偶然性的技术创新机会的把握,企业通过机会的评估把握住技术创新机会,进而从偶然性的技术创新机会中发现其必然性。

    After doing that , enterprises need to build up on the chance to grasp opportunities for technological innovation .

  16. 这些作业提供了一个应用上课时传授的工具与技术的机会。

    Assignments provide an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with some of the tools and technologies covered in this course .

  17. 企业技术有机会从痛苦黑暗的技术转变为注入新活力到商业中的其他技术。

    Corporate technology has a chance to shift from a painful , dark art to something that injects new life into businesses .

  18. 丁宁使用控制技术创造机会能力较差,其优势在于将球转为上旋球后的相持。

    Ding Ning is not good at creating opportunities with controlling skills ; her advantage lies in the rallying after make the ball up-spin .

  19. 通过与国外公司合作工程,为中国提供了一个可以掌握一定技术的机会,以推进自身航空制造业。

    The project provides a chance for China to obtain certain technology through cooperation with foreign countries , so as to advance its own aviation manufacturing .

  20. 作为商业伙伴,它们投入资金是为了将来在该实验室产生的任何盈利中分一杯羹,同时也获得使用新技术的机会。

    They are commercial partners that have bought a stake in any future profits generated by the centre as well as the chance to use the technology .

  21. 国际展览业蓬勃发展,在促进对外贸易、提供技术转让机会、促进国家工业发展及带动其他产业发展等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    International exhibition industry is developing vigorously and plays more and more important role in promoting foreign trade , providing technology transfer , promoting the development of national industry and other industries .

  22. 离岸外包提供了以低成本获得信息技术服务的机会。

    Offshoring provides an opportunity to obtain I.T. services at low cost .

  23. MDD向您提供了直接实现技术架构的机会。

    MDD gives you the opportunity to implement the technical architecture directly .

  24. 此外我相信太阳能电池研究员团队的国际化赋予了UNSW一个发展世界领先技术的大好机会。

    Combining this with what I believe is the best team of solar-cell researchers internationally has given UNSW a great opportunity to develop world-leading technology .

  25. 科技企业技术创新的机会发现与风险识别

    Technology Creation and Risk Identification of Science and Technological Enterprises

  26. 用户应抓住更大的技术自给的机会。

    Users should embrace the chance for greater technical self-sufficiency .

  27. 利用反向质量功能配置寻求新技术的市场机会

    Searching for Market Opportunities for New Technology by Reversed Quality Function Deployment

  28. 企业的技术威胁与机会评估探讨

    Technological Threat and Opportunity Assessment in the Firm

  29. 高新技术企业增长机会价值评估

    Evaluation on growth chance of new high-tech enterprises

  30. 可达性反映了区域与其他有关地区相接触进行社会经济和技术交流的机会与潜力。

    Accessibility reflects the opportunities and potentialities of a particular region to exchange with other regions .