
tóu bǎo jīn é
  • insured amount
  1. 人们都知道,各家公司都会为CEO购买所谓的关键人物保险,投保金额根据高管对公司的贡献决定,目的是防止这些高层人员身故导致公司陷入财务困境。

    Companies are known to buy so-called key person insurance policies for their CEOs , which put a dollar amount on executives ' contributions to the company and protects against a financial hardship should they die .

  2. 这批货您应投保金额为8500美元的保险。

    For these goods , you shall effect insurance to the amount of us $ 8500 .

  3. 受到贴补的政府保险计划已经给农民提供了某种保障,但衍生产品还是可以补缺拾遗或加大投保金额。

    Subsidised government-insurance schemes offer them some reassurance already , but derivatives can fill gaps or boost coverage .

  4. 我们通常的做法是投保发票金额的110%。

    Our usual practice is to insure the parcel for 110 % of the invoice value .

  5. 投标人为其设备投保的金额应不少于全部重置成本。

    The bidder shall insure the bidder 's equipment for not less than the full replacement value .

  6. 承包商为永久性工程、设备和材料投保的金额应不少于全部修复成本。

    The Contractor shall insure the permanent works , plant and materials for not less than the full reinstatement cost .

  7. 实务中利润损失保险核保的主要内容,包括对毛利润、工资、审计师费用、投保保险金额的确定,物质损失保险的核保因素和利润损失保险特有的核保所要考虑的影响因素;

    In practice , the importance is to decide the insurance amount of gross profit , wage and so on .

  8. B:请填写投保单,金额和期限。把身份证号码写清楚。

    B : Please fill out the application form of insurance with the amount and period on it.Write your ID card number clearly .

  9. 死亡福利中直接付给即将过世(通常为六个月)的投保人的金额比率。

    A percentage of death benefits paid directly to policy holders having a short life expectancy ( usually 6 months ) .

  10. 必须投保的保险金额比例可以增加,以满足原信用证或本惯例规定的保额。

    The percentage for which insurance cover must be effected may be increased in such a way as to provide the amount of cover stipulated in the original Credit , or these Articles .

  11. 物质损失投保项目和投保金额

    Items insured under material damage and their respective sums insured

  12. 投保项目,投保金额,免赔额

    Insured Items , Sums insured , Deductibles

  13. 超额投保是指保险金额高于新车购置价,但超额投保并不能得到超额赔偿。

    Cast above quota protecting is to show new car of insurance amount prep above purchases value , but cast above quota protect and cannot get be compensatoried above quota .

  14. 甲方保险,投保水渍和战争险,投保金额为发票金额加10%。

    To be covered by Party A for 10 % of the invoice & # 118alue , covering W.P.A. and War Risk .

  15. 退保金是指寿险公司在经营的长期业务中,投保人因各种原因提出退保时,按照保险合同的规定支付给投保人的退保金额。

    Surrenders refers to life insurance companies in the long-term business operations , the policyholder surrenders when raised for various reasons , in accordance with the provisions of the insurance contract surrender values paid to policyholders .