
  • Investment inflation;swollen investment
  1. 民营企业自我投资膨胀与约束对策

    Private Enterprises'Self - Investment Inflation and Restraint Solutions

  2. 制度演进与投资膨胀:一个不确定性下的转型期投资模型

    Institutional Evolvement and Investment Expansion : An Investment Model under Uncertainty during Economic Transition

  3. 当前,我国各地基础建设投资膨胀是一个相当普遍的问题,其实质是基础建设投资在长期短缺下的骤然增长,是结构失衡的集中体现。

    Infrastructure investment expands severe all around China .

  4. 大型项目投资膨胀的估计方法

    Estimate method of investment inflation for large project

  5. 对投资膨胀要警钟常鸣

    Be on Guard against Investment Expansion

  6. 科学合理的项目进度计划能够降低工程工期延误、投资膨胀。

    Period delays and investment expansion will be reduced greatly if we have a more scientific project schedule .

  7. 目前,我国的投资膨胀、信用扩张和少数生产资料涨价并未达到导致强制储蓄挤占消费的地步,宏观经济并未过热。

    Chinese economy is not overheating because the investment does not exceed the saving and lead to the forced saving .

  8. 1994年我国税制改革选择了生产型增值税,对抑制投资膨胀,保证财政收入起到积极作用。

    The election of VAT of production from 1994 tax reform plays an active role in restricting investment expansion and guaranteeing financial income .

  9. 否则,不仅不能有效抑制投资膨胀,反而会对宏观金融调控施加很大反作用。

    Otherwise it would be impossible to effectively control the inflation of in-vestment and bring about great reactions to the macro-financial regulation measures .

  10. 流动性过剩导致了低利率和信贷投放高涨,价格指数间的传递关系被屏蔽,将可能造成中国经济面临投资膨胀-通货紧缩压力。

    Liquidity surplus leads to low interest rate , over lending , price indexes distortion , and the cycle of investment booming and deflation .

  11. 类似于投资膨胀临界分析,假设在项目投资一定情况下,得到允许建设工期的最大膨胀临界点。

    Similarly , assuming that the project is in a definite investment , an analysis is made on the critical point of allowable maximum delay of time limit for the project .

  12. 考虑到当时投资膨胀,物价上涨,经济过热,财政赤字等问题,我国实行的是生产型增值税。

    Considering the investment in swelling at that time , the price rise , the overheating of economy , the financial deficit , etc. , what our country implemented was productive value-added tax .

  13. 以现代企业理论为基础,以铁本事件为背景,阐述经济体制改革过程中民营经济忽略企业的外部性成本而导致的投资膨胀问题,并指出相关对策。

    Based on the modern enterprise theory and backgrounded on the " Tieben event ", the problem of investment inflation caused by ignoring the " exterior cost " in privately operated economy is elaborated and some relative solutions and suggestions are pointed out .

  14. 本文依据跨国公司在华流通领域投资逐步膨胀有可能产生局部垄断的现实,首先从理论上讨论了流通产业是否存在自然垄断,以及跨国公司在华投资形成自然垄断的可能性等问题;

    Starting from fact that multinational company investment in China is expanding rapidly , this paper first discusses the theoretical issues whether or not there is natural monopoly in distribution field and the possibility of monopoly resulting from multinational company investment .

  15. 通货膨胀下建设项目投资及工期膨胀临界分析

    Critical analysis of expansion of both investment in projects and the construction period when inflation exists

  16. 在公有制经济下消费需求和投资需求的膨胀是总需求膨胀的根本原因。

    In the public ownership , the expansion of consumption and investment is the root cause of the aggregate demand expansion .

  17. 要加强土地政策与财政政策、货币政策协调配合,共同抑制投资的过度膨胀,调控宏观经济运行。

    It is necessary to ensure coordination between the land policy and fiscal policy and monetary policy to regulate investment and control the macro-economy .

  18. 美国评级机构标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)今日警告称,全球基础设施领域的投资已过度膨胀,形成了一个与网络时代相似的泡沫,遭受着估值过高和举债过多的双重诅咒。

    Investment in the global infrastructure sector is inflating into a dotcom-style bubble , suffering the dual curse of overvaluation and excessive leverage , Standard & Poor 's warned today .

  19. 国家财政、银行和国有企业三位一体,投资消费的双膨胀导致宏观经济多次出现过热。

    The trinity of finance , bank and state-owned enterprise , double expansion of investment and consumption led to over-heat of macro economy for many times .

  20. 中短期而言,在高投资率、出口膨胀和国内消费健康发展的驱动下,快速增长很可能会持续下去。

    In the short to medium term , the rapid growth will in all likelihood continue , driven by a high investment rate , swelling exports and healthy local consumption .

  21. 从总体来看,日本工程机械租赁业的崛起得益于20世纪50-80年代日本经济的快速增长和建设投资规模的日益膨胀。

    In general , the prosperity of the Japanese construction machinery leasing industry is based on the fast economic growth and the expanding construction investment of Japan from 1950s to 1980s .

  22. 将投资风险分析方法与CIM模型结合对大型工程项目投资膨胀进行估计,为工程项目经济评估与投资决策科学化提供依据。

    The method of investment risk analysis and CIM model have been combined to study the investment inflation for large engineering project in this paper . The research provides effective appraisal basis for the economic estimation of engineering project and the scientific investment decision .