
  • 网络investment;Investment Behavior;investing;investment behaviour
  1. 本文所关注的仅是指直接融资,而且主要是关注那些已经通过IPO完成上市的上市公司再融资及其相关的后续投资行为。

    The dissertation only discusses the indirect financing way and emphasizes on the list company 's re-financing and related investment after IPO .

  2. 本文旨在从核心能力构筑和培育的战略高度来引导RD投资行为,提高航空企业RD投资管理水平。

    The intention of this paper is to guide R D investment from the point of view of core capability cultivating and thus to improve on R D investment management of aviation enterprises .

  3. 决定因素讨论跨国公司投资行为、投资区位、投资方式和规模、东道国的优势等;后果讨论FDI的效应,直接效益和间接的效应。

    Discussions on causes include investment behavior , investment location , investment modes and scales of MNCs ; Consequences are about effects of FDI ( direct and indirect ) .

  4. 而就Logistic回归值组以及公司规模组而言,融资约束减轻了不确定性对其投资行为的影响;

    But as for the Logistic regression value group and company scale group , the lower the Logistic regression value or the smaller company 's scale , the smaller their coefficient .

  5. 结果发现:(1)当采用OLS方法进行估计时,管理层持股比例、公司投资行为与公司价值存在相互影响关系,而且管理层持股比例与公司价值呈非线性关系;

    OLS regression results show that there exits mutual relationship among managerial ownership , investment and corporate value .

  6. TMT组合属性视角的决策解析&以我国企业专用性投资行为分析为例

    Decision analysis based on the view of TMT combination attributes & An illustration of specific purpose investments of corporations in China

  7. 以Hansen所研究的临界回归估计方法研究不确定性下融资约束对公司投资行为的影响,结果发现,我国上市公司不存在临界效应。

    With the help of Threshold Estimate Method , the listed company of our country does not have critical effects .

  8. 以有效市场假说(EMH)为代表的经典金融理论在研究投资者投资行为时,假设市场的参与者都是完全理性并且市场总是有效的。

    The hypothesis that classical financial theory which is represented by Efficient Market Hypothesis research the behavior of investor are totally rational people and the efficient market .

  9. 经典的IS-LM模型所表示的经济关系是建立在完善的市场经济中的消费行为、投资行为和货币需求行为基础之上的。

    The economic relationships demonstrated in the classical IS-LM model are based on consumption , investment and money demand behavior in perfect market economies .

  10. 用Granger因果关系模型检验了国内外投资者间会不会存在价格先导性的问题,从而分析和研究了国内外投资者投资行为特征和相互关系。

    We test whether there exist price determination between international and domestic investors using Granger causation , so that make an analysis on the characteristic of investment behavior and inter-relationship between international and domestic investors .

  11. 影响农户投资行为因素的实证分析

    The Factors Affecting Farmers ' Investment Behavior : A Positive Analysis

  12. 对上市公司行为的影响表现在融资行为和投资行为上。

    It also effect on the behaves of financing and investment .

  13. 股票价格对中国上市公司投资行为的影响&基于不同股权依赖型公司的实证

    The Effects of Stock Valuations on China ′ s Corporation Investments

  14. 资本市场活跃对各经济主体投资行为的影响

    Impact of Bull Capital Market on Investment Behaviors of Economic Entity

  15. 企业非效率投资行为影响因素的前沿研究综述

    A Review on Factors of Influencing Inefficient Investment Behaviors of Firms

  16. 北京市农户生产性投资行为研究

    Study on Beijing 's Rural Households ' Productive Investment Behavior

  17. 上海股民的投资行为与个性特征研究

    A study of the Shanghai Stock holders ' investing-behavior and personality traits

  18. 对我国证券投资者投资行为的思考

    Some Ideas on Investment Action of Stock Investor in China

  19. 公司的投资行为是公司将其资金进行配置的活动。

    Investment is allocation activities of capital in a company .

  20. 投资者投资行为偏差矫正理论与方法

    The Theory and Method of Investing Behavior Bias ' Modification

  21. 基于自由现金流代理成本假说的投资行为研究

    Investment Behavior Based on Free Cash Flow Agency Cost Hypothesis

  22. 投资行为一直是理论研究的重点。

    Investment behavior has been the focus of theoretical research .

  23. 我国个人理财形式及投资行为分析

    Analysis of the Forms of Individual Financial Transaction and Conduct of Investment

  24. 投资者本土偏差投资行为的生成机制探源

    Origins of Formation Mechanism of Investment Behavior of Home Bias

  25. 转型时期地方政府投资行为分析

    An Analysis of Local Government Investment during the Transition Period

  26. 跨国啤酒企业在华投资行为探析

    Analysis of Multinationals'Investment Behavior in the Beer Industry of China

  27. 负债融资对公司投资行为的影响研究

    Study on the Impact of Debt over Firms Investment Behavior

  28. 我国上市公司大股东过度投资行为研究

    Study on Over-investment of Large Shareholders in China Listed Company

  29. 上市公司过度投资行为制约机制实证研究

    Research on the Restrict Mechanism for Over-investment in the Corporations

  30. 农户投资行为实证研究

    The Positive Study of the Investment Behavior of Peasant Household