
tóu zī
  • invest;investment;capital investment;money invested;invest funds/money
投资 [tóu zī]
  • [invest] 投入资金

  • 投资于工业

  • 如想在投资前了解更多情况请写信给编辑

  • [capital investment;money invested] 投入的资金

投资[tóu zī]
  1. 这个公司将总计投资160万元购置新设备。

    The company will invest $ 1.6m overall in new equipment .

  2. 他根据自己的信条,不投资军火工业。

    He doesn 't invest in the arms industry on principle .

  3. 公司认为该项投资是财政上的一个大黑洞。

    The company viewed the venture as a financial black hole .

  4. 依我看,这是十分可靠的投资。

    In my opinion , it 's a very sound investment .

  5. 公司正在收获他们的投资回报。

    The company is now reaping the rewards of their investments .

  6. 他把一生的积蓄投资到了女儿的企业。

    He invested his life savings in his daughter 's business .

  7. 这是推动在这个地区投资的主要因素。

    This is the main factor driving investment in the area .

  8. 这家公司一直在投资购置新机器和设备。

    The company has been investing in new plant and equipment .

  9. 现在是对房地产市场投资的好时机。

    Now is a good time to invest in the property market .

  10. 这个地区在20世纪90年代成了新的投资热点。

    In the 1990s the area became a magnet for new investment .

  11. 他们不想在这个项目上再增加投资。

    They are unwilling to invest any more money in the project .

  12. 你能给我详述可以选择的各种投资方法吗?

    Can you talk me through the various investment options ?

  13. 公司正抓紧实施自己的投资方案。

    The company is steaming ahead with its investment programme .

  14. 别上当受骗,同他们一起搞什么投资。

    Just don 't be fooled into investing any money with them .

  15. 政府在教育上已投资数百万。

    The government has poured millions into the education system .

  16. 海外投资对出口有积极影响。

    Overseas investment has had a positive effect on exports .

  17. 这家公司要投资900万元将其工厂现代化。

    The company is investing $ 9 million to modernize its factories .

  18. 这笔款项已作定期投资。

    The money has been invested for a fixed period .

  19. 这个账户给你投资的回报仅是微不足道的1%。

    This account offers a paltry 1 % return on your investment .

  20. 我们希望我们的前期投资在第一年就能赚回来。

    We hope to recoup our initial investment in the first year .

  21. 这会给你的投资带来10%的利润。

    This will give a yield of 10 % on your investment .

  22. 这个项目需要在培训方面做巨大的投资。

    The project implies an enormous investment in training .

  23. 投资毛利为26%。

    Investments showed a gross profit of 26 % .

  24. 许多人都在小量地向证券市场投资。

    Many people are investing in a small way in the stock market .

  25. 我们通过教育投资,培养孩子们的才能。

    By investing in education , we nourish the talents of our children .

  26. 我姐姐是个万无一失的投资顾问。

    My sister 's the oracle on investment matters .

  27. 他们提出了一个无可争辩的理由,要求增加投资。

    They presented an unanswerable case for more investment .

  28. 这家公司已在最新技术设备方面投资。

    The company has invested in the latest technology .

  29. 这个项目急需追加现金投资。

    The project badly needs a transfusion of cash .

  30. 任何商业投资都包含一定的风险因素。

    Any business venture contains an element of risk .