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tóu xiánɡ pài
  • capitulationist clique
  1. 也不论是从日本帝国主义方面来的,从其他外国方面来的,从国内投降派方面来的,都应该充分警戒。

    Strict vigilance must be maintained against such moves whether they stem from the Japanese imperialists , from other foreign countries , or from the capitulators at home .

  2. 大资产阶级投降派和顽固派,并想以此作为投降日本帝国主义、分裂统一战线和拉了中国向后倒退的准备。

    All this is being used by the big bourgeois capitulators and die-hards to prepare the way for capitulating to Japanese imperialism , breaking up the united front and dragging China backwards .

  3. 在这一点上,他们和投降派毫无二致。

    On this point they are entirely at one with the capitulationist clique .

  4. 我们对于大资产阶级投降派的政策是把他们当作敌人看待,坚决地打倒他们。

    Our policy towards the big bourgeoisie capitulationists is to treat them as enemies and resolutely strike them down .

  5. 汪精卫是公开的投降派的主要头目;蒋介石是暗藏在抗日阵线内部的投降派的主要头目。

    While Wang Ching-wei was the ringleader of the open capitulationists , Chiang was the ringleader of those hiding in the anti-Japanese front .

  6. 投降派的投降和分裂阴谋即使一时得势,最后也必被人民揭穿而受到制裁。

    Even if the capitulationists who are plotting surrender and a split should get the upper hand for a while , they will eventually be unmasked and punished by the people .

  7. 在东方,则打击了日本,援助了中国,增强了中国抗战派的地位,打击了中国的投降派。

    In the east it deals a blow to Japan and helps china ; it strengthens the position of china 's forces of resistance to Japan and deals a blow to the capitulators .

  8. 在抗日时期内,他们不但和大地主大资产阶级的投降派有区别,而且和大资产阶级的顽固派也有区别,至今仍然是我们的较好的同盟者。

    In the present war , it differs not only from the capitulationists of the big landlord class and big bourgeoisie but also from the big bourgeois die-hards , and so far has been a fairly good ally of ours .