
  • 网络Antioxidant;anti-oxidants;anti-oxidant
  1. D-半乳糖调控SD大鼠海马巯醇抗氧化物(酶)致衰老的作用研究

    D-galactose Regulates Thiol Antioxidants and Induces Aging in Rats

  2. 于是一项猜想就此诞生了:包括维生素C、E,β-胡萝卜素和多酚在内的抗氧化物是对抗自由基损害的有利武器。

    A hypothesis was thus born : antioxidants , including Vitamins C and E , beta-carotene and polyphenols , are a weapon against free-radical damage .

  3. 他们发现有机草莓比传统草莓平均多含有大约10%的维他命C和抗氧化物。

    They found that the organic strawberries contained 10 percent more Vitamin C and than their conventional .

  4. 结果显示,竹叶抗氧化物清除·OH和RO。

    It is revealed that the scavenging effects of AOB on · OH and RO .

  5. Wilson病合并溶血性贫血患者的红细胞代谢及抗氧化物水平

    Erythrocyte metabolism and antioxidant status of patients with Wilson disease with hemolytic anemia

  6. 自然降温对侧柏叶抗氧化物酶活性及MDA含量的影响

    Effects on Activities of Defensive Enzymes and MDA Content in Leaves of Platycladus orientalis under Naturally Decreasing Temperature

  7. 干果还有一个好处:它们含有维生素E,这种强力的抗氧化物可能有助于防止心脏病和癌症。

    Nuts provide another benefit : they contain vitamin E , a potent antioxidant that may help ward off heart disease and cancer .

  8. 与精制意大利面不同,这样的面含有蛋白质,抗氧化物,维他命B,矿物质和足够的纤维,这对于减肥计划来说是非常重要的。

    Unlike refined pasta , these have protein , antioxidants , B vitamins , minerals , and plenty of fiber , which is important when following a weight-loss program .

  9. 过量氟对大鼠血清过氧化物抗氧化物及骨和软骨RNA含量的影响

    Effect of excessive fluoride ingested on lipid peroxidation and antioxidation in serum and RNA in bone and cartilage from experimental rats

  10. 为了使植物体内氧自由基的产生和清除保持平衡,体内的抗氧化物酶SOD及POD活性增强。

    To keep the balance of formation and elimination of radicals in cells , the reactivity of antioxidant enzyme enhanced .

  11. 猕猴桃富含维C,同时也是纤维和抗氧化物的丰富来源。

    Why we love them : Kiwi fruit is packed with vitamin C - more than you need in one day . They 're also a good source of fiber and antioxidants .

  12. 低铁胁迫下,叶片和花瓣细胞中抗氧化物酶的活性均显著降低,并最终造成花瓣和叶片中膜脂过氧化产物MDA的累积,导致植株过氧化损伤。

    Activity of antioxidant enzyme significantly decreased in leaves and flowers under Fe deficiency stress , which increased MDA content and peroxidation damage .

  13. Wilson病患者血清氧化物和抗氧化物水平与内脏损伤的关系

    The relationship between the levels of serum oxide and antioxide in patients with Wilson disease and its visceral injury

  14. 应用光谱技术,利用偏最小二乘回归法建立基于冠层光谱信息的抗氧化物酶(POD、SOD、CAT)酶值活性预测模型。

    The antioxidant enzyme ( POD SOD CAT ) enzyme activity value prediction model was constructed based on canopy spectral information using PLS regression method .

  15. 蜂蜜,应用于某些运动凝胶和运动棒,含有天然维他命B和抗氧化物,热量高于糖,因此,减肥人士应该注意它的热值。

    Used in some gels and sports bars , honey contains naturally occurring B vitamins and anti-oxidants , but also more kilojoules than sugar , so dieters should keep an eye on the numbers .

  16. 结论:ADM可能经提高内源性抗氧化物能力、尤其是SOD活力减轻肾IR。

    Conclusion : ADM pretreatment may induce renal protection against rats ' renal IR injury through activating endogenous anti-oxidative capability , especially SOD activities .

  17. 本来维他命E是一种抗氧化物,研究发现它有助于对抗紫外线引起的皮肤损害。

    One of the most alarming examples is the use of Vitamin E in forms that have been indicated in research to increase the incidence of photocarcinogenesis , i.e.skin cancer .

  18. 与此对应的是,短时间水分处理(1h)的杨树叶片SOD和POD抗氧化物酶的活性显著高于长时间(3h)水分胁迫处理。

    The SOD and POD activities in poplar leaves were higher in 1 hour water stress treatment than in 3 h treatment .

  19. 科学界无休无止地讨论:有些营养学家反驳说,谷物、牛奶和豆类这些被旧石器饮食严格禁止的食品中包含有益的营养成分,诸如钙质、维生素B、维生素D,抗氧化物和纤维。

    The science has been endlessly debated : Some nutritionists counter that verboten foods like grains , dairy and beans contain valuable nutrients , such as calcium , vitamins B and D , antioxidants and fiber .

  20. 抗氧化物ASC质量分数下降;

    Antioxidant ASC concentration decreased .

  21. 低磷胁迫下,叶片和花瓣中抗氧化物酶活性显著升高,最终叶片中MDA含量显著升高,而花瓣中MDA含量却降低。

    Antioxidant enzyme activity increased significantly in leaves and flowers under P deficiency stress , however MDA content increased significantly on leaves that had opposite effect on flowers .

  22. 线粒体呼吸链酶复合体活性、线粒体及肌肉组织中抗氧化物酶活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量及蛋白质羰基含量均用紫外分光光度计测定。

    Activities of mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes , antioxidative enzyme activities in mitochondria and skeletal muscle , and content of MDA and protein carbonyl was measured by UV spectrophotometry .

  23. 竹叶抗氧化物(AOB)在唯新西式灌肠中的应用

    Application of AOB ( Antioxidant of Bamboo Leaf ) on Weixin Western Sausage

  24. 本文探索了竹叶抗氧化物(AOB)在中式香肠中的应用效果。

    The text investigates the effects of the use of AOB on Chinese sausage .

  25. 目的观察低浓度三氯乙烯(TCE)接触对人体脂质过氧化和抗氧化物酶系统影响。

    Objective To inspect the effects of low concentration of TCE on human lipid peroxidation and anti-oxidation enzyme system .

  26. 侧柏叶不同炮制品中槲皮苷与槲皮素的含量测定自然降温对侧柏叶抗氧化物酶活性及MDA含量的影响

    Determination of Quercitroside and Quercetin in Different Preparations of Cacumen Platycladi by RP-HPLC Effects on Activities of Defensive Enzymes and MDA Content in Leaves of Platycladus orientalis under Naturally Decreasing Temperature

  27. 研究首次建立了基于特征波长光谱信息抗氧化物酶(POD、SOD、CAT)活性预测模型,实现了抗氧化酶活性预测模型的简化。

    The antioxidants enzyme ( POD SOD CAT ) activity forecasting model based on was set up based feature wavelengths spectrum information for the first time , and simplified the forecasting model .

  28. 目前,COPD发病机制研究中除了气道炎症机制得到普遍认同外,近年来,蛋白酶/抗蛋白酶和氧化物/抗氧化物两个平衡假说引起了普遍关注。

    At present , the protease-antiprotease balance and the oxidant-antioxidant balance raised widespread attention , in addition to the pathogenesis mechanism of airway inflammation of COPD was generally accepted .

  29. 内源性ROS用佛波醇酯(PMA)刺激人外周血白细胞产生,并用CL和特异性抗氧化物检测和鉴定;

    Endogenetic ROS were produced by phorbol myristate acetate ( PMA ) stimulating human polymorphonuclear leukocytes ( PMN ), detected by CL and identified with specific antioxidants .

  30. 儿茶酚,儿茶素或是EGCG的药效都很强,而在绿茶中,这些抗氧化物的含量是红茶的三到四倍。

    A potent catechin , epigallocatechin gallate , or EGCG , is three to four times more abundant in green tea than black .