
  • 网络Rachel;Rahel
  1. 拉结会堂(OhelRachel)坐落在一座绿意盎然的院子里。院门外标牌写着:“上海市绿化委员会”。但值得庆幸的是,没有迹象显示,在不举行犹太教庆祝活动的时候,这里被用来存放农用设备。

    Outside the main gate of the leafy compound in which the Ohel Rachel synagogue is located , a sign says " Shanghai Afforestation Commission " - although , thankfully , there is no indication that the building is used to store agricultural equipment between Jewish high holidays .

  2. 利亚是拉结的姐姐和雅各的第一个妻子。

    The older sister of Rachel and first wife of Jacob .

  3. 在犹太历5774年新年前夕,朗达•莱文(RhondaLevin)就在拉结会堂,坐在专门的女宾席。在巨大的会堂中央,摆着一排人造绿叶植物,将男宾席和女宾席分隔开。

    Rhonda Levin was there , on the eve of the new Jewish year 5774 , sitting in the section reserved for women in the cavernous house of worship , where a row of artificial elephant ear plants runs straight down the centre to keep the men away from their womenfolk .

  4. 雅各与拉结亲嘴,就放声而哭。

    And weeping for joy , Jacob gave Rachel a kiss .

  5. 对英国防结构倒塌设计规范中拉结力法的研究

    A study of tying force method in UK steelwork design code

  6. 拉结的父亲拉班听说了此事。

    When laban , rachel 's father , heard of this .

  7. 拉结在希伯来文的含义是母羊或美丽。

    Hebrew name of Rachel means " ewe or beautiful " .

  8. 结构验收中拉结筋检查方法的探讨

    The Discussion of Non - damage Inspection Method of Tie Bar

  9. 框架填充墙拉结筋安装施工方法

    Installation Methods of Annectent Reinforcing Bar in Shell Frame Filled-wall

  10. 拉结钢筋在多孔砖砌体中的锚固性能

    Anchoring behavior of binding steel bar in perforated brick masonry

  11. 原来雅各不知道拉结偷了那些神像。

    Now Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen the gods .

  12. 拉结的使女辟拉所生的是:但,拿弗他利。

    The sons of Rachel 's maidservant Bilhah : Dan and Naphtali .

  13. 钢筋网水泥砂浆加固砖墙中关于拉结筋的试验研究

    Testing Study of Tiebars in Brick Wall Strengthened with Bar-mat Reinforced Cement Mortar

  14. 雅各跟拉结,对你来说不仅仅是故事。

    This Jacob and rachel , they are no mere story to you .

  15. 拉结是圣经中的著名女人。

    Rachel was a famous woman in the Bible .

  16. 约瑟是雅各最爱的儿子,是雅各和他最宠爱的妻子拉结所生的。

    Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob by his favorite wife Rachel .

  17. 树脂锚固在框架结构墙体拉结筋施工中的应用

    Application of resin anchor fixation in construction of frame structure wall connecting bar

  18. 结构加层柱头拉结钢筋。

    Structural reinforcement added layer of stigma Rachel .

  19. 随后约瑟和拉结也前来下拜。

    Last of all came Joseph and Rachel , and they too bowed down .

  20. 填充墙拉结筋膨胀螺栓施工方法的改进

    Improved construction method of expansion bolt and annectent reinforcing bar in shell frame filled-wall

  21. 框架柱拉结筋的预埋

    Embedment of tie bar of frame column

  22. 拉结:你喜爱的东西这么多以致于我无法再计算他们。

    Rachel : you love so many things that I can 't count them anymore .

  23. 拉结的使女辟拉又怀孕,给雅各生了第二个儿子。

    And Bilhah Rachel 's maid conceived again , and bare Jacob a second son .

  24. 娶了两个妻利亚和拉结,有12个儿子和至少一个女儿。

    Married both Leah and Rachel , then had12 sons and at least one daughter .

  25. 神顾念拉结,应允了她,使她能生育。

    And God remembered Rachel , and God hearkened to her , and opened her womb .

  26. 拉结:喂,保罗!我很高兴你接到我的留话。

    Rachel : hi , paul ! I 'm so glad that you got my message .

  27. 绑扎柱筋,垫保护层垫块,安放埋件、拉结筋。

    Column rebars and cushion block work , install the steel inserts and wall binding rebar .

  28. 3施工层顶端用脚手架钢管拉结内外脚手架。

    Construction layer top will use scaffolding steel pile to pull in and out side scaffolding .

  29. 现浇挑檐板用横向圈梁拉结抗倾覆

    Anti - Overturning For Cast - In - Place Roof Overhang Eaves Using Transverse Ring Beam

  30. 《旧约》中,牧首雅各与其妻拉结之子。

    In the Old Testament , the son of the patriarch Jacob and his wife , Rachel .