
  1. 伦敦——在20世纪70年代,英国喜剧演员汤米·库珀(TommyCooper)讲过这样一个笑话:他在阁楼里发现一把小提琴和一幅画,让拍卖公司估价。

    LONDON - In the 1970s , the British comedian Tommy Cooper used to tell a joke about asking an auction house to value a violin and a painting that he had discovered in an attic .

  2. 但这四只鸡缸杯中将有一只现身4月8日的香港苏富比(Sotheby)拍卖会,估价高达3850万美元。

    But one of those four will be going up for sale on April 8 at a Sotheby 's auction in Hong Kong and is estimated to fetch as much as US $ 38.5 million .

  3. 此外,另一位幸存者海伦发给家人的电报也将被拍卖,拍卖估价在七千到一万美元。

    Another item going on sale is a Marconi Gram sent by another survivor , Helen , to her family , estimated to fetch $ 7,000 to $ 10,000 .

  4. 去年3月,克里斯蒂承接了伦敦经销商迪克•杜平(DickTurpin)的家具拍卖,但是只有估价在5000英镑以下的物品未设保留价。

    Last March , Christie 's handled the furniture of London dealer Dick Turpin but only items valued at less than 5,000 were offered without reserves .

  5. 这幅作品也将出现他的拍卖会上,估价在5000万美元以上。

    That work will be in his sale with an estimate of more than $ 50 million .

  6. 卡拉·齐默曼(CaraZimmerman)是纽约佳士得的一位美国专家,1月23日,她将主持该拍卖行对一份德国尖角字体出生证的拍卖(估价200到400美元),文字呈歪曲的矩形,边框上有不协调的星星图案。

    Cara Zimmerman , an Americana specialist at Christie 's in New York , stood before a fraktur birth certificate , for sale on Jan. 23 at the auction house ( estimated at $ 200 to $ 400 ) , with a misshapen rectangle of text and mismatched stars along the border .

  7. 另外,通过利用休止时间对第二价格密封拍卖租金的刻画,我们研究了拍卖租金差异所揭示的拍卖估价母体的差异。

    In addition , by using inactivity time to characterize the second-price closed-seal auction rent , we investigate how the variation of the auction rents reals that of populations .