
  • 【法】conclusion of the auction
  1. 法院在拍卖债务人以外第三人不动产时,不具体区分拍定人的善意或恶意,严重忽视不动产第三所有人的保护和救济。

    When court auctions the real estate which beyond the liability limit of debtor 's possessions belong to the third ones , they do not distinguish goodwill or malice of the bargainee , and neglect to protect the third ones ' real estate property .

  2. 不动产在合法拍定的情况下,会产生移转不动产所有权等正效力,在因竞买人恶意串通等原因导致拍卖无效的情况下,会导致重新拍卖等负效力的产生。

    When lawfully auctioned , real estate will produce positive effects such as transferring the ownership of real estate . When the auction becomes null and void due to such reasons as malicious collaboration of bidders , real estate will produce negative effects such as auction over again .

  3. 拍有定值与拍无定值都是音乐中的拍值现象,由于音乐表现的需要,拍有定值与拍无定值总是相互依存、相互渗透,表现为节拍的二重性。

    Both the rhythm with fixed value and without one is phenomena in music , and they are duality of the rhythm to use according to the music required .

  4. 明代以前,拍没有定值,明代之后虽然基本有了定值,但拍长度仍可随时改变,构成弹性节拍。

    Before the Ming dynasty there is no fixed value of meter , whereas after that , the length of meter is changeable in spite of a fixed value , forming elastic meter .

  5. 我们正在拍一场做定镜用的景。

    We 're actually doing a scene that we did an Animatic of .

  6. 拍富人马屁,定一本万利。把这话记下来。

    You 'll never go broke playing to a rich guy 's ego --- Write that down .