
pāi diàn yǐnɡ
  • Making movies;shoot a film
  1. 唉,我们在拍电影呢!

    A : Well , we are trying to shoot a film here !

  2. 他正忙于准备已经承诺的下个月拍电影的事。

    He 's busy for the next month with filming commitments .

  3. 目前他们正在莫斯科拍电影。

    They are filming in Moscow right now .

  4. 他开着自己的车参加赛车,也把它们出租用来拍电影、电视和广告片。

    He races his cars , and hires them out for film , TV and promo videos .

  5. “你从来没看过玛丽莲·梦露演的电影?”——“是的,她拍电影时我还不记事呢。”

    ' You 've never seen the Marilyn Monroe film ? ' — ' No , I think it was a bit before my time . '

  6. 我回答道:“在好莱坞拍电影。”

    I answered , " in hollywood4 , making movies . "

  7. 又过了两年,我搬到了好莱坞,现在在拍电影。这可是双赢。

    Two years after that , I moved to Hollywood and am now making movies . Win , win .

  8. 她说她的未婚夫不会让她再拍电影了。(此句用wouldnotlet,意思是阻止)

    She said her future husband would not let her make another film .

  9. LadyGaga宣布自己要拍电影了。

    Lady GaGa has announced that she is making a film .

  10. 除了拍电影以外,威利斯也录制了一张音乐CD,制作了一部电影和一场儿童展览。

    In addition to acting , Willis has recorded a music CD , produced movies and a children 's animated show .

  11. 一天,一个男人拦住我们问Clifford是否想拍电影。

    One day , a man stops us and asks if Clifford would like to be in a movie .

  12. 我想拍电影,有一天TED会邀请我。就像这样。”

    This is , like , I want to make movies . I 'll get invited to TED one day -- "

  13. 拍电影太有趣了,因为我能打扮得很疯狂,梳着那些高高立着的发型,画着Funky妆。

    This was such a fun film because I got to experience dressing up in crazy clothes and having sky-high hair and funky makeup .

  14. 很多人疯狂地通过Kickstarter和Indiegogo等网站资助别人搞创业,接受资助的企业有中既有做脚踏车的,也有做电灯泡的,甚至还有拍电影的。

    The craze for raising contributions via websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo is helping to launch companies from scooter manufacturers to lightbulb vendors to filmmakers .

  15. 虽然2017年福克斯没有拍电影,但是将于2018年参演剧情喜剧《游坞惊梦》,饰演SoledadPaladin一角,参演人员包括腐兰兰(JamesFranco)、威尔·法瑞尔(WillFerrell)、赛斯·罗根(SethRogan)等。

    While Fox didn 't star in any films in 2017 , she 's set to play Soledad Paladin in the 2018 comedy-drama , Zeroville , alongside actors like James Franco , Will Ferrell , Seth Rogan , and others . Beyonc é

  16. 你们愿意拍电影吗?

    How 'd you boys like to be in a movie ?

  17. 那个剧本(演员)适(不适)于拍电影。

    That play ( actor ) screens well ( badly ) .

  18. 那时候我拍电影时莉迪亚会来看。

    Lydia would come with me when I made the movies .

  19. 我和我朋友在海边拍电影。

    Me and my friends were filming out by the bay .

  20. 最近很忙,一直在拍电影和做宣传。

    Recently I have been quite busy with filming and promotions .

  21. 随着时间的流逝,他开始拍电影。

    As time went by , he began making films .

  22. 大伙陪着马赛尔拍电影。

    The gang spends time on Marcel 's movie set .

  23. 她所有的朋友都认为她可以拍电影了。

    All her friends think she ought to act in the fiims .

  24. 拍电影涉及到的人电影团队

    The people involved in making a movie the film crew

  25. 你不是在拍电影的明星。

    You are not a movie star shooting a film .

  26. 他说拍电影的人都是疯子。

    He said the persons who made movies were crazy .

  27. 所以几年之内我不会拍电影了。

    So I won 't be directing movies for a couple years .

  28. 呵呵,我还梦想着有一天能拍电影呢!

    I would love to act in a movie someday .

  29. 他很渴望去好莱坞拍电影。

    He is eager to come to Hollywood to be in movies .

  30. 没任何演员我该怎么拍电影?

    How am I supposed to do a movie without any actors ?