
  • 网络Bidding;tender & bid;tendering
  1. 基于合同网的多Agent协作模型通过模拟人类社会中招标投标的方式进行Agent彼此之间的交互。

    Multi-Agent collaboration based on contract net model by imitating the human society public bidding mode for interaction between each other Agent .

  2. 随着我国建设市场的快速发展,招标投标制、合同制的逐步推行,以及加入世界贸易组织(WTO)与国际惯例接轨等要求,工程造价计价依据改革不断深化。

    With the development of construction market , the carrying out of bidding and contracting institution , and our country joining the WTO to meet international practices , the construction cost valuation keeps being reformed constantly .

  3. 基于Agent和电子商务技术的工程项目招标投标模型研究

    Research on the distributed Bidding Model of Engineering Projects Based on Agent and Electronic Business

  4. 文章提出了基于Web的招标投标系统的主要框架流程和主要功能,介绍了系统的开发模式,分析了系统实现过程中的一些问题。

    The main framework , flowchart and functions of Bidding & Tendering System Based on Web are first presented in this paper , then the implementing model is introduced , several problems in the implementation process that need to be taken into account are finally analyzed .

  5. 同时,针对进入WTO后,国际招标投标形势的发展趋势及给我们带来的挑战,提出了完善我国招标投标法律制度的基本原则与具体措施。

    Meanwhile , it aimed at the new challenge and the development tendency of international inviting bids and bid upon China 's entrance into WTO and raised basic principle and detailed measures to consummate legal institution on inviting bids and bid in our country .

  6. 拍卖与招标投标作为一种古老而又新型的交易方式在日臻成熟并展现其独特的优势,越来越多的企业采用招标的形式进行采购。

    Procurement bidding have been using by more and more companies .

  7. 网上建筑设计招标投标体系的研究

    The System Study of Architecture Design Bidding & Tender on Internet

  8. 招标投标在地质勘查成果转让中的运用实践

    The application of bidding in the transfer of geologic prospecting achievements

  9. 我国招标投标机制研究

    Research and Analysis of Bidding and Tendering in the Domestic Market

  10. 建筑市场与招标投标分会

    Association for the Research on Construction Marketing . Tendering and bidding

  11. 水运工程勘察设计招标投标管理办法

    Management Method for Investigating and Invitation of Bid in Water-way Transportation

  12. 工程招标投标管理工作刍议

    No the management of projects ' tender bidding and tender offer

  13. 工程项目招标投标工作在实际运用中应注意的几个问题

    Some Problems in the Practice of Invitation of Bidding and Bidding

  14. 对招标投标法的理解与思考

    Thoughts and understandings on the law of bid invitation and submission

  15. 建设工程招标投标规范化管理策略研究

    Researches of Developments Engineering Bid Standardization of the Management of Strategy

  16. 大型合同招标投标中多激励定价模型研究

    A Study on Multi-Incentive Pricing Model for Bidding of Large-Scale Contracts

  17. 招标投标是工程建设项目领域选择承包人所采取的一种重要方式。

    Bidding is a good method to procure construction projects .

  18. 完善评标体系发展招标投标

    Consummate Evaluating Auction System and Develop Inviting and Tendering Auction

  19. 广州与澳门工程招标投标制度的比较

    A comparison of engineering tending and bidding system in Guangzhou and MACAO

  20. 建设项目施工招标投标中存在的问题及对策研究

    Research on Problems in Bidding Process of Construction Projects and the Countermeasures

  21. 建设监理实施招标投标制刍议

    A Discussion on the Bidding System of Engineering Contruction Supervision

  22. 招标投标活动中报价策略的博弈论解释

    Explanation of pricing strategy in bidding activities with game theory

  23. 要严格遵守招标投标工作程序,认真制定招标文件。

    Bidding work program and bidding material must be strickly carried on .

  24. 关于工程造价与招标投标管理中成本价问题的思考

    Consideration on the Project 's Cost and the Management of Bid Price

  25. 机械设备采购公开招标投标的探讨

    Discussion on inviting public bidding and bidding for on stock of machines

  26. 对建筑工程招标投标中建筑产品成本的界定

    Ascertainment of the Cost of Construction Product in Construction Tendering and Bidding

  27. 浅谈我国招标投标制存在问题及完善途径

    Problems in the System of Inviting and Submitting Tenders and its Improvement

  28. 关于建设工程招标投标中实行实物工程量清单法的探讨

    Discussion on application of work bill in kind method in construction bidding

  29. 关于在《招标投标法》中完善资格预审公告的建议

    Proposals for Perfecting Notice Inviting to Pre-qualify in Tendering Law

  30. 谈国际工程承包项目的招标投标程序

    On the Program of Tender and Tender Offering for International Contracted Project