
  1. 该系统中设计了黑名单和白名单数据库,能快速检测已知特征挂马网页。

    This system designs black list and white list , so it can detect malicious Web pages quickly .

  2. 动态恶意行为检测虽能检测出一些未知特征的挂马,但却有着比较高的误报率,且会带来系统浏览延迟。

    The trending malicious act detecting method can detect some unknown malicious Web pages , but it also means high-level rate of false alarm and system showdown .

  3. 网络“挂马”行为充分利用了互联网的高效便捷的特性,进而提高了利用木马进行网络犯罪的运作效率。

    The behavior of " Hanging horse " on the internet fully takes advantage of high efficiency of internet , and has improved the efficiency of committing crimes through internet viruses .

  4. 网页木马中最常见的情况是网站被挂马,在困扰网站管理员的同时,对网站用户产生了很多潜在的威胁。

    Trojans make up a great proportion and the most common is that a web is plugged with Trojans , which brings great distress to the site administrators and managers and also potential hazards to users .

  5. 本文首先对网页木马的形成机理及其攻击手段进行了深入的分析,接着对挂马方式和可利用的漏洞进行了透彻的研究,在此基础上对比分析了网页木马检测的各种方法。

    At first , this paper analyzes deeply the formation mechanism of the Webpage-Trojan and the means of attack , then studies through the means of hanging a horse and vulnerability exploits . On that basis , this paper compares and analyses detection methods of Webpage-Trojan .