
  • 网络index weight;weight;weight of index
  1. 在对学者所运用的各种评介方法进行比较的基础上,选择了TOPSIS方法,并运用结合专家意见的层次分析方法确定指标权重。在此基础上,运用TOPSIS方法建立了客户满意度评价模型。

    ⅱ . On the basis of the review and the comparison of different evaluation methods , the author selects the TOPSIS method , employs the AHP method combined with the expert opinions to determine weights and establishes a customer satisfaction evaluation model .

  2. 选用带有自调节功能的改进层次分析方法(LAHP法)确定指标权重,同时,运用隶属函数法和模糊评分法确定评价指标值。

    The weights were determined by using improved hierarchy analysis method .

  3. 群体决策和AHP法结合确定指标权重

    Calculation of the Index Weight in AHP Group Decision

  4. AHP判断矩阵残缺情况下指标权重确定的一种方法

    A Method of Determining Index Weight In the Circumstance of Judgment Matrix Incomplete

  5. 基于ANN的电子商务水平测度指标权重的确定方法

    Research on Method of Computing Indicator Weight For E-commerce Development Level Estimaion Based on ANN

  6. 基于G1法的应急能力评估指标权重的确定

    Weight Determination of Indexes in Evaluation of Emergency Response Ability Based on G1

  7. 运用AHP法计算得出评价指标权重体系,构建模糊综合评价模型,通过调查,计算得出模糊隶属度矩阵。

    This paper used AHP to calculate weights of evaluation index system , established fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model and got the fuzzy membership matrix through investigation .

  8. 建立指标权重模型时,对层次分析法提出了改进,并结合改进AHP和熵权法提出一种变结构权重模型。

    AHP method is improved during the establishment of index weight model , and a flexible weight model is advanced combined improved AHP with entropy method . 4 .

  9. 本文在确定指标权重时采用了专家判断法(德尔菲法)与层次分析法(AHP)相结合的方法。6.会计师事务所品牌指数应用研究。

    Determine the index weight to the expert judgment method ( Delphi method ) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) method of combining . 6 , the accounting firm brand index applied research .

  10. 结合对E品牌内外相关专家的AHP(层次分析法)问卷调查,采用MATLAB计算权重并检查数据的一致性,确定体系各项指标权重,由此探寻供应链管理中存在的问题。

    Combined with AHP questionnaire towards experts , use MATLAB to calculate the index weight and check the consistency of data . The final weights of all the indexes reflect some problems in supply chain management of fashion brands .

  11. 其基本评价步骤为:获取证据源数据,确定评价标准和基本支持度;运用模糊层次分析法(FAHP)确定各指标权重;构造mass函数;进行风险综合评价。

    The steps are : Obtain source data of evidence ; determine the evaluation criteria and the basic support ; determine the index weight by FAHP ; structure mass function ; do comprehensive evaluation of risk .

  12. 在AHP的框架下,提供了指标权重和偏好值语言信息并用三角模糊数来描述,构造语言决策矩阵并进行模糊化。

    First - ly , in the analytic hierarchy process the linguistic information on index weights and performance values are provided and presented as triangular fuzzy number . Secondly , the linguistic decision - making matrices are constructed and fuzzified .

  13. 运用熵技术支持下的AHP法确定指标权重,选用模糊隶属函数进行指标量化,线性加权函数法建立各级诊断模型,诊断评判出小流域系统健康水平;

    The method of AHP which were supported by the entropy technique was applied to fix the weight of index . The system health level is judged by integration diagnose which uses the fuzzy membership function and the linear weighted function .

  14. 并在收集了专家意见后,运用AHP层次分析法计算出各指标权重,得出来非营利性和合法性是评估体育类民非公益性与发展性的重要指标。

    And after collecting the expert opinion , we use the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) to calculate the index weight , the conclusion is that nonprofit and legitimacy is the most important factors to assess the public welfare and expansibility .

  15. 其次,文中详细地介绍了运用基于格栅获取法的模糊Borda数分析法确定各级指标权重的步骤;

    Secondly introduces in detail the fixed procedures of each index weight by taking advantage use of fuzzy borda number analytical method based on grid method .

  16. 采用AHP法确定指标权重的过程中,利用基于DEMATEL方法求得的各指标间影响关系的计算结果,确定指标间相对重要性判断矩阵。

    In the process of determining the index weight by using AHP method , the thesis uses methods based on DEMATEL achieve the results of the relationship in indexes , establishes the relative important judgment matrix in indexes .

  17. 在评价过程中,指标权重和隶属度的确定是重点也是难点,本文选用德尔菲法(Delphi)和层次分析法(AHP)确定了各指标的权重和指标对评语集的隶属度;

    During the course of evaluation , how to determine indicator weight arid subordinate degree is the emphases as well as difficulties , this paper uses Delphi expert questionaire and AHP in obtaining weight and quantifying value of each indicator with intent to ensure the objectivity of the model .

  18. 因此,利用层次分析法的指标权重和基于灰色关联度和Euclid距离的改进TOPSIS多属性决策方法,可以充分利用各自优势,给出更加合理的评价结果。

    Therefore , using the index weight with AHP and grey correlation degree based on improved TOPSIS distance and Euclid distance of the multiple attribute decision making method , can make full use of their respective advantages , give more reasonable evaluation results . 4 .

  19. 属性AHM模型,既是一个实用的确定指标权重的方法,又可用于具有递阶层次结构相对复杂大系统的聚类和排序。

    The system presented an attribute hierarchy Model ( AHM ) . AHM can 't only be applied to decide the weight-value of index , but also can be used in classification and ranking according to a complex system with a hierarchic structure in practice .

  20. 利用层次分析法确定指标权重。

    Applying the method of AHP to confirm the index weight .

  21. 第三轮为考核指标权重的再确认。

    The third round is the reconfirmation of each index weight .

  22. 然后确定指标权重、标准、周期。

    Then determine the index weight , standard , period .

  23. 综合评价中指标权重系数确定方法探讨

    Study on Methods of Determining Weight Coefficient of index in Comprehensive Evaluation

  24. 基于主成分分析的力量结构指标权重计算

    Calculation of the Force Structure 's Weight Based on PCA

  25. 主客观结合确定网络课程评价指标权重

    Determining the attribute weight of Web-based course evaluation indexes system subjectively and objectively

  26. 确定供应商评价指标权重系数的联合分析法

    The Application of Conjoint Analysis in Defining the Index Weight of Supplier Rating

  27. 应用模糊理论获得电子资源绩效指标权重的有效性研究

    Validity of Applying Fuzzy Theory to Get Indicator Weights for Electronic Resource Performance

  28. 确定了其评价标准划分和评价指标权重;

    Its evaluation standard and evaluation indications are determined .

  29. 指标权重的二阶段赋权法及其应用

    Two-step Weighting Method of Criterion and It 's Application

  30. 用熵计算客观型指标权重的方法

    Calculation method of objective index weight by entropy