
  • 网络At par
  1. 我们是按票面价值买进这只股票的。

    We bought the stock at par .

  2. 这个国家的货币可按票面价值兑换。

    The currency of this country exchanges at par .

  3. 到期时,借款方按票面价值全额偿付投资者。

    On maturity , the borrower repays the investor at full price .

  4. 福兹将军将按票面价值付清这张凭单。

    General foods will redeem this voucher at face value .

  5. 这项贷款明年七月才到期,不过现在有些放款人已经在按票面价值的折扣价甩卖这些贷款了。

    Some lenders have been selling pieces of it at a discount from face value .

  6. 按票面价值计算,160万股苹果股票的价值比米勒买进时缩水了3000万美元。

    On paper , those 1.6 million Apple shares were worth about $ 30 million less than what Miller paid for them .

  7. 股票按超出票面价值出售。

    Shares are selling at a premium .