
hàn wèi zhě
  • defender;champion;protector;bastion
  1. 他把自己标榜成民族团结与和睦的捍卫者。

    He projected himself as the protector of national unity and harmony .

  2. 帕台农神庙于公元前五世纪建在雅典有历史意义的卫城之上,在一定程度上是供奉女神雅典娜的,是为了感谢这位雅典的守护神暨希腊诸城的捍卫者帮助雅典人及其同盟邦打败波斯人的入侵。

    Built on Athens 's historic acropolis in the fifth century b.c. , the Parthenon was partly a tribute to the goddess Athena , patron of Athens and protector of all Greek cities , to thank her for helping Athens and its allies defeat the Persians .

  3. 历史学家把他誉为议会的捍卫者。

    Historians built him up as the champion of parliament

  4. 国家党正在提升自己作为持社会保守立场的传统价值观捍卫者的形象。

    The National Party is lifting its profile as socially conservative guardian of traditional values .

  5. 罗丝·孟恩思是名在英国剑桥大学研究进化生物学的博士后,他是开放科学的忠实捍卫者,部分原因是他以以化石为基础的研究需要依靠他人的数据。

    Ross Mounce , a postdoc studying evolutionary biology at the University of Cambridge , UK , is a vocal champion of open science , partly because his fossil based research on access to others ' data .

  6. 捍卫者为了掩护缩成一团。

    The defenders are huddling down for cover .

  7. 大学曾经是正直的象征,文明的堡垒,仁爱的捍卫者阵地

    They once were icons of integrity , citadels of civilization , bastions of benevolence .

  8. 马克·吐温说过,不敬若不是自由唯一的捍卫者,也会是它的拥护者。

    Mark Twain said irreverence is the champion of liberty , if not its only defender .

  9. 弘扬宪法精神,树立宪法权威,使全体人民都成为社会主义法治的忠实崇尚者、自觉遵守者、坚定捍卫者。

    We should promote the spirit of the Constitution , uphold the Constitution 's authority , and make efforts to guide all the people to loyally uphold , willingly comply with and firmly safeguard the socialist rule of law .

  10. 比如在苹果,史蒂夫乔布斯(SteveJobs)就是品牌的界定者和捍卫者。

    At Apple , for example , Steve Jobs defines and champions the brand .

  11. 澳大利亚企业领导人最近成立了男性改革捍卫者(MaleChampionsofChange),旨在将性别平等纳入他们的企业文化。

    Business leaders in Australia recently formed Male Champions of Change , a group aimed at building gender equality into the culture of their businesses .

  12. 1828年,美国本土语言的捍卫者挪亚•韦伯斯特(NoahWebster)出版了《美国英语词典》(AnAmericanDictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage),而美式英语并不打算寻求大西洋彼岸的承认。

    In 1828 , Noah Webster , champion of a US vernacular that did not look across the Atlantic for validation , published An American Dictionary of the English Language .

  13. 这正是伊斯兰捍卫者阵线(IslamicDefendersFront,也叫FrontPembelaIslam)等强硬伊斯兰组织对他的攻击不起作用的原因。

    This is why the attacks on him by hardline Islamist groups such as the Islamic Defenders Front , also known as Front Pembela Islam , are not working .

  14. 第二个是日美联盟的坚定捍卫者自民党(LDP),其温和的保守主义支持了日本非凡的经济崛起。

    The second is the Liberal Democratic party , stalwart defender of that alliance , whose benign conservatism supported Japan 's extraordinary economic rise .

  15. IMF过去过多地扮演债权国的讨债机构、以及将美元作为唯一储备货币的捍卫者的角色,甚至在贸易政策中照顾美国个别产业的利益。

    The fund acted far too long as a creditor collection agency , a defender of the dollar as the sole reserve currency and even as a handmaiden to US sectoral interests in trade policy .

  16. 自由市场资本主义的捍卫者对美联储主席本伯南克(benbernanke)的行为感到担忧,有人声称,伯南克迫使美国银行(bankofamerica)收购美林(merrilllynch),尽管前者已是巨额亏损。

    Defenders of free-market capitalism worry about the actions of Ben Bernanke , Fed chairman , who is alleged to have coerced Bank of America into completing its acquisition of Merrill Lynch in spite of mounting losses .

  17. 所以我们也经常看到飞机上有人吵架,有人带着膝盖捍卫者(KneeDefender,一种令前座的椅背无法放倒的小玩意——编注)上飞机,结果前座的人没法把靠背放倒,双方大动干戈。

    So we do see altercations everywhere in the sky , whether it 's the guy who brings the [ Knee ] Defender on and gets in a fight with person in front of him because he can 't recline his seat .

  18. 其中包括澳大利亚央行行长史蒂文斯(GlennStevens)发表了他对干预汇市持开放态度的言论后澳元的走低。史蒂文斯直到最近之前一直是自由浮动汇率的捍卫者。

    That includes a dive after Reserve Bank of Australia Gov. Glenn Stevens , until recently a defender of free-floating exchange rates , said he was ' open minded ' about the idea of intervention .

  19. 《经济学家》(Economist)杂志不久前嘲笑奥巴马称,贸易立法的失败将成为一个信号,标志美国正在放弃自身作为全球开放经济捍卫者的角色,这和奥巴马在外交政策领域的败退如出一辙。

    The Economist magazine recently taunted the president with the observation that failure in trade legislation will be a signal that America is giving up its role as defender of an open global economy in the same way that Mr Obama has retreated in foreign policy .

  20. 以色列前领导人沙龙(ArielSharon)上周六去世。在他的长期职业生涯中,他曾是著名的斗士、犹太人定居点的捍卫者,最终还提倡对巴勒斯坦人采取更缓和态度。

    Former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon , who through his long career was a renowned warrior , champion of Jewish settlements and , eventually , an advocate of a more conciliatory approach toward Palestinians , died Saturday .

  21. 在加入F.D.A.之前,韦尔奇博士在天然产品协会担任科学和管理事务副总裁,也是补充剂行业的坚定捍卫者。

    Before joining the F.D.A. , Dr. Welch was the vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs at the Natural Products Association , where she was a staunch defender of the supplement industry .

  22. 苹果一直是科技行业保护消费者不受政府监视的权利的最知名捍卫者,该公司拒绝帮助FBI解锁赛义德•法鲁克(SyedFarook)的iPhone,法鲁克和他的妻子去年实施了圣贝纳迪诺枪击案。

    Apple has been the most prominent defender of the tech industry 's right to protect consumers from government snooping , refusing to aid the FBI with accessing an iPhone belonging to Syed Farook , who with his wife committed the San Bernardino shooting last year .

  23. 自由市场坚定捍卫者的脚步正在后退。

    Staunch defenders of free markets are on the back foot .

  24. 我们是世界和平的捍卫者。

    We are the trustees for the peace of the world .

  25. 工党是工人的英勇捍卫者吗?

    Is the labour party the great champion of the working man ?

  26. 再也没有很多斯大林主义经济的捍卫者了。

    There are no longer many defenders of Stalinist economics .

  27. 他说,肯尼迪是一个梦想的捍卫者。

    He says Kennedy was the defender of a dream .

  28. 一项事业或他人的热情捍卫者或支持者。

    An ardent defender or supporter of a cause or another person .

  29. 他是奥林匹克原则的热情捍卫者。

    He was an ardent defender of the Olympic ideals .

  30. 当然,这些领袖人物都有忠实的捍卫者。

    In fairness , the leaders all have loyal defenders .
