
  • 网络queue management;queuing management
  1. 就目前排队管理系统的设计进行了调查研究,设计了一种基于ARM的嵌入式排队管理系统。

    After investigation of the design of current queue management system , a new design of the queue management system for ARM is described .

  2. 服务企业经营中排队管理问题初探

    A Study on Queue Management of Service-offering Enterprises

  3. 同时,针对这种特有的应用形式,分析了RS-485网络控制系统的特性,组建了排队管理系统的多CPU控制网络。

    And , aiming at the particular application way , the paper analyses the futures of RS-485 control network and presents the building of Multi-CPUs control network .

  4. 基于无线通讯网控制系统的排队管理设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of a Type Wireless Communication Net Control System

  5. 瑞泽RAJ&5800型排队管理系统应用成效初探

    Appliance of RAJ - 5800 Type Queue - administration System in our Outpatient Department

  6. 通过排队管理可以提高顾客的满意度,为企业赢得更多的忠诚顾客。

    Queue management by service-offering enterprises can increase customers ' satisfaction so that service-offering enterprises can attract more loyal customers .

  7. 一定程度上,排队管理成为银行获取消费者满意、增加竞争优势的营销措施。

    To a certain degree , queuing management is a step for bank to gain customer satisfaction and competitive advantages .

  8. 文章以病人等待时间为切入点,通过引入排队管理和排队模型,尝试建立服务能力规划矩阵,配置门诊服务各类医疗资源。

    Based on the queuing theory , the article proposes a modal to solve this problem from the point of patient ′ s waiting time .

  9. 这个新的票务厅独具匠心的将建筑、排队管理、室内设计、软件和物流融于一体,大幅降低传统票务柜台的使用率。

    An of architecture , queue management , interior design , software and logistics , the new lobby has minimized use of traditional ticket counters .

  10. 第二部分是本篇论文的重点,着重阐述了服务运营管理几个重要的组成部分,包括服务接触、质量管理、能力与需求管理和排队管理。

    Part 2 is the core of this paper . It describes the key components of service operation management , such as service contact , quality management , competence and requirement management and queuing management .

  11. 大多数医院门诊排队管理采用一般服务行业的排队系统来解决,针对门诊复杂的服务类型尚不够理想。

    The common service queue mode is taken as a method for out-patient department queue management in most hospital , but it is not a perfect solution to the intricate problem of queue in out-patient department .

  12. 通过对服务管理理论中服务接触、服务质量、排队管理和生产能力与需求管理等四个方面的深入分析,以期对我国商业银行服务运营管理有所启示。

    Studying on Service Touch , Service Quality , Queue Management , and Supply-demand Management , which are the four sectors of Service Management , is expected to get some suggestions to the Service Operation Management of Commercial Bank of China .

  13. 不能将生成排队、管理生成代理或查看队列中的生成列表。

    You cannot queue a build , manage build agents , or view the list of builds in a queue .

  14. 各馆增加了排队秩序的管理。

    Management teams to maintain order were placed in front of each pavilion .

  15. 排队现象及其管理研究

    Study of queue phenomenon in management

  16. 管理工作队列使您可以查看在一个等待行动的代理上排队等候的管理活动的列表

    The administration work queue lets you see the list of administration actions queued up on a broker that are waiting to be actioned

  17. 电子排队系统在门诊管理中的应用

    Application of electronic queuing system in management of outpatient clinic

  18. 基于排队论优化床位管理是当前主要的技术解决方案。

    Based on queuing theory to optimize bed management is a major technology solution .

  19. 在现代社会中,计算机仿真特别是离散事件系统的计算机仿真已经广泛应用到生产制造、国家军事和国防、排队系统、库存管理系统、物流技术、以及计算机网络等领域。

    In modern society , computer simulation , especially the discrete events simulation has been widely applied to fields such as manufacturing , military , queuing system , inventory management system , logistics technology and computer network .