
tuī huí
  • Push back;reject;turn down
  1. 还可以通过配置将Profiles条目的更新推回到原始数据源。

    Can also be configured to push updates made to Profiles entries back to the original data source .

  2. 的确包含DNA,而且他们的族谱学家推回过去,他们能找到你真正的感觉?

    It 's DNA as well as just they have genealogists who actually go back and they look and find pieces of real you know like sense ?

  3. 论文在MATLAB环境下,利用其快速的复数矩阵运算功能,实现了文中所提的分层前推回代算法,并取得了非常明显的速度效益。

    In this paper , this algorithm is realized by making full use of fast plural matrix operation function of MATLAB , and the increase of that speed is also outstanding .

  4. 该方法充分利用GIS系统数据存储方式的特点,改进了传统的前推回代中的节点编号方法和定义特殊的节点数据结构。

    Considering the features of the storage way of the data of GIS , it improves the technology of node - ordering of traditional Backward / forward and builds the special node data structure .

  5. optimistic编程模型最适合只读数据或以后要在并发数少的情况下检索、处理和推回到数据源的数据。

    Optimistic programming models are best suited for read only data or data that is retrieved , manipulated , and later pushed back to the data source under low data concurrency .

  6. 此外还有相应的Git支持,这样开发者就可以维护本地开发历史了,并且有助于合并/推回到客户端的过程。

    There is Git support which enables developers to maintain a view of their local development history and to facilitate merging / pushing back to the client .

  7. 然后您可以将该需求推回至RequisitePro,在这里可以进行高层次的管理,例如追踪性以及层级关系。

    You can then push this requirement to RequisitePro , where it will be available for higher-level management , such as traceability and hierarchal relationships .

  8. 如果另一次大水如预计一般把泄漏的石油又推回了河里,这可能会对河中的鱼类资源构成威胁,蒙大拿州鲑鳟类保护协会执行理事BF称。

    If another surge of water pushes oil further into back channels as expected , it could be a potential threat to fisheries , said Bruce Farling , executive director of Trout Unlimited 's Montana chapter .

  9. 提出了基于GIS系统杆号编码规则的拓扑生成算法,研究了多种潮流计算算法,并推导了适合于油田配电网潮流计算的前推回代法。

    In the next place , the algorithm of generating the topology based on the poles number encoding rule in GIS is proposed . Several power flow calculation algorithms are researched , and the forward and backward sweep algorithm suitable for the oil field distribute power system is deduced .

  10. 开发人员使用客户机/服务器模型与集中式VCS系统交互,对本地源代码拷贝的更改只能推回到中心存储库中。

    Developers interact with centralized VCS systems using a client / server model , where changes to your local copy of the source code can only be pushed back to the central repository .

  11. 潮流计算采用配电网广泛使用的前推回代法。

    The forward-backward sweep method is adopted in power flow calculation .

  12. 或者,开发人员可以将修改推回到存储库中。

    Alternatively , developers can push changes back to the repository .

  13. 渐消记忆递推回归权矩阵的进一步探讨

    Further discussion on weight matrix of gradual memory erase and recursion

  14. 前推回代法计算理论线损研究

    Study on calculating theoretically line loss using forward and backward substitution method

  15. 警察将观众推回观。

    Police crowded the spectators back to the viewing stand .

  16. 断开跨接线并推回紧急电源触点。

    Disconnect jumper leads and push the emergency power contact back in .

  17. 前推回代潮流算法在城网规划中的应用

    Application of Back / Forward Sweep in Distribution Network Planning

  18. 他会把罢工的起因推回国会身上

    He 's gonna shift blame for the strike back on congress .

  19. 我们必须要把手推车推回到这里吗?

    Do we have to return this cart back here ?

  20. 我们要把他们推回边缘有什么问题吗?

    And push them back across the border any doubts ?

  21. 对,我要把船再推回水里。

    Yeah , I 'm gonna get the boat back in the water .

  22. 马上把他推回病房

    Take him back to the ward at once .

  23. 基于前推回代的配电网潮流改进算法

    Modified power flow algorithm of distribution network based on forward / backward sweep method

  24. 把好家伙推回市场的明智之举在何去?

    Where is the wisdom in putting the good guy back on the market ?

  25. 产生的能量将活塞推回汽缸下端,带动机轴。

    This explosion pushes the piston back down the cylinder and drives the crankshaft .

  26. 米哈伊·康斯坦蒂内斯库空军基地的罗马尼亚士兵正把一架直升机推回机库。

    Romanian soldiers push a helicopter back into a hangar at the Mihail Kogalniceanu Airbase .

  27. 他无法转身避开,所以就把火车推回到车站里。

    He can 't turn around , so he pushes the train back to the station .

  28. 欧洲主权债务危机正在慢慢地将全球经济推回谷底。

    The European sovereign debt crisis is slowly driving the global economy back into the ditch .

  29. 基于前推回代法和量测数据资源的多电源供电配电网线损计算

    Calculation of multi-source distribution network loss based on back / forward sweep method and measurement resource

  30. 她一开门,门外戴帽子的人就抓住她,把她推回房间去。

    As she opens it , the hooded man grabs her and pushes her back into the room .