
  1. 世上没有英国梦,巴西梦,也没有法国梦或中国梦。

    There is no English dream , Brazilian dream , no French or Chinese dreams .

  2. 这一次,奥朗德先生承诺保证党内的“团结”,并“重新点燃法国梦”。

    This time , Mr Hollande has promised to guarantee " unity " in the party , and " to reignite the French dream " .

  3. 我真诚希望,中法两国和两国人民在实现中国梦和法国梦的过程中相互理解、相互帮助,共同实现中法梦。

    I truly hope that our two countries and peoples will increase mutual understanding and extend mutual assistance in the pursuit of our respective dreams . Together , we will realize the Sino-French dream .

  4. 中国梦是法国的机遇,法国梦也是中国的机遇。

    The Chinese dream offers an opportunity to France ; so does the French dream to China .