
fǎ lǜ yǔ yán
  • legal language;statutory language
  1. 值得一提的是法律语言的特点。

    It is particularly worth mentioning the features of legal language .

  2. 因此,在一定程度上说,法律语言中模糊性的存在是不可避免的。

    Therefore , vagueness of legal language is necessary and unavoidable .

  3. 朴素明确的法律语言&R·B·泰利。

    The plain and unequivocal language of the laws - R.B.Taney .

  4. 第四章探讨法律语言的模糊性在语用中的表现。第五章详细阐述法律语言的模糊性是怎样被消除并在法庭判决中表现为确定性的。

    Chapter 4 digs into the pragmatic fuzziness in legal language .

  5. 然而,法律语言所具有的权力是隐含的。

    However , the power possessed by legal language is invisible .

  6. 英汉法律语言特点比较

    Characteristics of English and Chinese Legal Languages : A Comparison

  7. 二十多年来中国法律语言研究评述

    A Research Commentary on China Legal Languages of More Than Twenty Years

  8. 法律语言模糊性对法律制度的影响

    The Influence of the Vagueness of Legal Language upon the Legal System

  9. 首先是语言因素,虽然不同的法律语言存在共性,但也存在个性。

    Although the universals exist in legal language , individuality also exists .

  10. 论我国法律语言的灰色制约

    Constraints of Grey Information on the Language of the Law

  11. 法律语言的模糊性:性质与成因分析

    Fuzziness of Legal Language : An Analysis of Its Nature and Cause

  12. 本文简要概述了简明英语运动和简明法律语言原则。

    This paper briefly surveys the plain English movement and plain-language principles .

  13. 法律语言翻译是一种双语活动。

    The study of translation of legal language is a bilingual research .

  14. 在特定情况下使用一些模糊表达,可以使法律语言达到实质上的准确性和概括性。

    Using vague expression can construe completeness and conciseness in legal language .

  15. 第三章概述了法律语言和法律翻译的相关研究。

    The third introduces the relevant studies on legal language and translation .

  16. 适用在普通语言和法律语言中的区别

    The Difference of " Apply " in Common Language and Legal Language

  17. 法律语言具有功用性特点与语言性特点。

    Law language has the functional characteristic and language characteristic .

  18. 法律语言模糊性的语义学与语用学研究

    Vagueness in Legal Language : From Semantic and Pragmatic Points of View

  19. 法律语言的模糊性及准确运用

    Vagueness of Legal Language and Accuracy of Its Application

  20. 法律语言是一种具备特殊语言交际功能的应用性语言。

    Legal language is by nature an applied language with special communicative functions .

  21. 法律语言中模糊词语的辩证分析

    The Dialectical Analysis Of Fuzzy Expressions In Legal Language

  22. 中国法律语言发展和演变述论

    On Development and Evolution in China 's Legal Language

  23. 用法律语言来说,这就等于是为展开相关欺诈调查提供了理由。

    In the Legal Lexicon , this translates as grounds for fraud investigation .

  24. 从法律语言结构分析简明英语对法律文献翻译的影响

    Plain English on Legal Translation from Legal Language Structures

  25. 而精确性是法律语言的本质性追求之一。

    And precision is one of the most main pursuits of legal language .

  26. 法律语言准确性的再认识

    On the Recognition of the Accuracy of Law Language

  27. 法律语言一直被认为是最严谨的语言使用形式,没有严谨和准确性,法律就失去了它应有的强制性和权威性。

    Legal language has been always regarded as the most rigorous language use .

  28. 法律语言最重要的特点是准确性和严密性,但并不排除模糊语言的使用。

    The most important language features of legal language are conciseness and exactness .

  29. 从系统功能语法看中英法律语言的异同

    Systematic-Functional Approach to the Similarities and Differences of Chinese and English Legal Language

  30. 司米斯教授警告说,这种过分复杂的法律语言会引起对百姓不公的严重后果。

    Professor Smith warned that serious injustice can result from unnecessarily complicated legal language .