
fǎ lǜ zhuān jiā
  • legal expert
  1. 为此,秘书处应使提出请求的发展中国家成员可获得WTO技术合作部门一名合格法律专家的协助。

    To this end , the Secretariat shall make available a qualified legal expert from the WTO technical cooperation services to any developing country Member which so requests .

  2. 基于复合层次知识结构的法律专家系统LEGES

    Legal expert system based on compound hierarchical structure of knowledge

  3. 帕特里克·德夫林是一位杰出的法官和出色的法律专家。

    Patrick Devlin was an outstanding judge and brilliant jurist .

  4. 但法律专家们不能肯定这一指控是否成立。

    But legal experts are not sure if such a charge can stick .

  5. 法律专家说她的案子不会成为判例,因为它是庭外和解的。

    Legal experts said her case would not set a precedent because it was an out-of-court settlement

  6. 不过,几乎所有专攻欧盟(eu)事务的政治和法律专家都认为,建立财政联盟只是一种空想。

    Yet , almost all political and legal experts who specialise in the European Union believe a fiscal union is Utopian .

  7. 法律专家表示,对hudsonmezzanine的调查,可能会集中在高盛是否对投资者进行了充分的披露。

    Legal experts said that inquiries into Hudson mezzanine were likely to focus on whether Goldman provided investors with adequate disclosure .

  8. 法律专家甚至讨论用emoji符号表达的死亡威胁[枪支与脸]在法庭上是否可以作为证据。

    Legal experts have even discussed whether an emoji death threat [ gun and face ] could be admissible in court .

  9. 跨国离婚法律专家大卫•霍德森(DavidHodson)说,这正是“比较富裕、更为好斗、寡廉鲜耻的一方”想要的结果。

    This , says David Hodson , a specialist in international divorce law , favours the " wealthier , more aggressive , more unscrupulous [ 2 ] party " .

  10. 基金会董事会成员伊夫·库格尔曼恩(YvesKugelmann)说,六年前基金会曾向各国法律专家就版权问题征求意见。

    Six years ago , the foundation asked legal experts in various countries for advice on its copyright , according to Yves Kugelmann , a member of the foundation 's board .

  11. 一些法律专家预计这些诉讼将令Rockstar再度成为关注焦点,很大程度上是因为诉讼表面上看起来是安卓遭到了三大主要竞争对手的联手狙击。

    Some legal experts expect the lawsuits will trigger renewed attention to Rockstar , largely because it gives the appearance that three leading competitors to Android are teaming up against it .

  12. 网络法律专家律师PawanDuggal说,用互联网和手机技术来制造社会恐慌,这还是第一次。

    Cyber law expert , lawyer Pawan Duggal says this is the first time the Internet and mobile-phone technology have been used to create fear in a community .

  13. 他的观点得到许多律师和法律专家的认可。

    His opinion was echoed by many lawyers and law experts .

  14. 修改海事立法指导方针法律专家会议

    Meeting of Legal Experts on Revision of Guidelines for Maritime Legislation

  15. 是由美国的法律专家约翰?葛里辛所著。

    It was written by American legal expert John Grisham .

  16. 法律专家不同意他对这条法律的解读。

    Legal experts disagree on his interpretation of the law .

  17. 一位法律专家总结称该案件对她不利。

    A legal expert summed up the case against her .

  18. 文本已经用只有法律专家才懂得的语言重新写过。

    The text had been recast into language comprehensible only to legal experts .

  19. 世界环境与发展委员会环境法律专家组

    Expert Group on Environment Law of the World Commission on Environment and Development

  20. 特别敏感海区法律专家会议

    Meeting of Legal Experts on Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas

  21. 国际航空法律专家技术委员会

    International Technical Committee of Legal Experts on Air Questions

  22. 而法律专家预计蒙特将上诉翻案。

    Legal experts expect Montt to appeal his conviction .

  23. 但相关法律专家也指出,这部法律仅供参考。

    However , law experts stress that the law only serves as a reference .

  24. 莫纪宏是中国社会科学院的一名法律专家。

    Mo Jihong is a legal expert with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .

  25. 警方法律专家说那火是纵火者放的。

    The police forensic expert said the blaze was started by a fire bug .

  26. 房产法律专家:离婚后,房屋增值部分如何分割?

    Property legal experts : After divorce , value-added part of the housing division ?

  27. 倾弃问题特设法律专家组

    Ad Hoc Group of Legal Experts on Dumping

  28. 但是一些法律专家认为这些方法很难成功。

    Some legal experts , however , said that approach would be a long shot .

  29. 法律专家认为,新的退休金看出美国退休改变多少。

    Experts say the new pension law shows how much retirement has changed in America .

  30. 公司指定了一个由法律专家组成的第三方调查委员会来对这些隐瞒事件进行调查。

    The company has appointed a committee of outside legal experts to investigate the cover-up .