
miáo huà
  • draw;paint;depict;describe;portray
描画 [miáo huà]
  • [draw;paint] 画画,描绘

  • 他凭记忆描画那个景象

描画[miáo huà]
  1. 我带着颜料和画笔兴冲冲地想与你一起描画我们自家的工笔。

    I excitedly with paint and brush with you and would like to draw our own fine brushwork .

  2. 他的惊人业绩之一,是在乘直升机在东京上空短暂飞行之后,仅凭记忆将东京全景详尽地描画出来。

    One of his feats was to draw a stunningly detailed panoramic view of Tokyo from memory after a short helicopter ride .

  3. 这条信息将有助于描画出袭击他的人的相貌。

    This information will help us build a picture of his attacker .

  4. 漫画把部长描画成长鼻子皮诺曹。

    Cartoons showed the Minister as a long-nosed Pinocchio .

  5. 他只能描画出窃贼脸部的大致轮廓。

    He can only provide a crude drawing of the thief 's face .

  6. 漓江之美难以用语言来描画。

    The beauty of the scenery along the Lijiang River defies description .

  7. Headoverheels描画出了一副某人深深陷入爱情的画面。

    Head over heels gives a clear picture of one who has fallen deeply and passionately in love .

  8. 总之,我们把那些看作BPM的真正价值,而不是业务人员“描画”可执行的流程。

    Overall , we see all of that as the real value of BPM , not the business guys '" drawing " executable processes .

  9. 哥本哈根一个活动现场发生枪击事件,造成1人身亡、3名警察受伤。当时一名曾把先知穆罕默德(ProphetMohammed)描画为狗的有争议的丹麦漫画家正在事发地点发表演讲。

    One man has been killed and three police officers wounded in a shooting at an event in Copenhagen where a controversial Swedish cartoonist who depicted the Prophet Mohammed as a dog was speaking .

  10. 您的确很擅长艺术。我擅长素描。我描画了一幅关于一位叫YukieNakama的日本女演员的画,我把它付粘在这邮件上一同发给您,您就可以看到它了。

    You are really good with art . I also sketch . I sketched a drawing of a Japanese Actress named Yukie Nakama . I will attach to this email so you can see .

  11. 在1781年的短篇小说《描画者》(TheDelineator)中,活泼的人物哈里奥特(Harriot)穿着法式高跟鞋摇摇晃晃的,脑袋就像她的脚一样不稳定,这代表了18世纪女性的理想典型。

    The lively character Harriot tottering on her French heels and with her head as unsteady as her feet in a 1781 story The Delineator , represented the typical 18th-century feminine ideal .

  12. 在1781年的短篇小说《描画者》(TheDelineator)中,“活泼”的人物哈里奥特(Harriot)“穿着法式高跟鞋摇摇晃晃的,脑袋就像她的脚一样不稳定”,这代表了18世纪女性的理想典型。

    The " lively " character Harriot " tottering on her French heels and with her head as unsteady as her feet " in a 1781 story " The Delineator , " represented the typical 18th-century feminine ideal .

  13. 大多女人并非她们描画地那样年轻。

    Most women are not as young as they are painted .

  14. 这里,佛像主要指的是人们视觉可视的雕塑或者描画的佛的形象。

    Buddhist statue is the visual sculpture or the depictive image .

  15. 无法形容的痛苦参见无意识中难以形容的,无法描画的'滴答声'。

    The inexpressible , unpaintable ` tick ' in the unconscious .

  16. 她的头发值得让一位艺术家去描画。

    Her hair would have sent the artist running his brushes .

  17. 那你就直说你是个描画人吧。

    Then just say it . you 're a tracer .

  18. 杰克很快描画出一座房屋的平面图。

    Jack traced out the plan of a house quickly .

  19. 他被描画为一身戎装的士兵。

    He was pictured as a soldier in full uniform .

  20. 我永远用爱恋的渴望来描画你。

    I paint you and fashion you ever with my love longings .

  21. 正如如我的明-李的房间是描画的软蛋壳白色的。

    Just as mine Ming-Lee 's room was painted soft eggshell white .

  22. 我尝试去描画它。

    The way I 've tried to depict it .

  23. 为谁描画细细的眉梁?

    Whom did I paint my thin eyebrow for ?

  24. 这是因为描画或雕刻人像在他们的宗教里是不被允许的。

    This was because it was against their religion to depict human beings .

  25. 后来发电站被精确地描画在大比例地图上。

    The powerhouse was trace out accurately later on a large scale map .

  26. 在你脑子里描画一下如果你可以流水生产你的配偶

    Picture , if you could streamline your spouse ,

  27. 小丑在脸颊上描画出了圆圈。

    The clown had lipsticked circles on his cheeks .

  28. 一些人把他们的脸涂成蜘蛛侠,其他则描画成耀眼的粉红蝴蝶。

    SOME have their faces painted as Spider-Man ; others as sparkly pink butterflies .

  29. 但政府官员们正在错误地用昨天的画刷描画今天的银行。

    But government officials are mistakenly painting today 's bank with yesterday 's brush .

  30. 描画画(一线条或图形);草绘;描绘。

    A style of drawing in which objects are delineated in contours without shading .