
tí dū
  • Supervisor;provincial commander-in-chief;commander-in-chief in a certain district;supervision by leaders
提督 [tí dū]
  • (1) [provincial commander-in-chief]∶古代军队中官名,明清时多为一省之最高武官

  • (2) [supervision by leaders]∶掌管督察

提督[tí dū]
  1. 提督益脑针法对早老性痴呆大鼠中枢胆碱能神经系统的影响

    Effect of Acupuncture on Cholinergic Central Nervous System in Rat of Alzheimer Disease

  2. 他父亲和祖父都成为四星级的美国海军提督。

    His father and his paternal grandfather both became four-star United States Navy admirals .

  3. 威海的重要古迹是刘公岛上的北洋海军提督署。

    Praefect Department of Beiyang Navy on Liugong Island is important ancient relics of Weihai .

  4. 正统元年(1436),升佥事,提督山东学政。

    Orthodox first year ( 1436 ) or Resentment things , prefect of Shandong University governance .

  5. 这儿就是当年的北洋水师提督署,俗称水师衙门。

    This was the Northern Navy commander 's office , or commonly known as the Navy Yamen .

  6. 在大马色亚哩达王手下的提督,把守大马色城要捉拿我。

    In Damascus the governor under King Aretas had the city of the Damascenes guarded in order to arrest me .

  7. 但是,这些遗憾并不能抹杀江北提督对江北社会近代化所作的种种努力。

    However , these deficiencies could not obliterate the efforts what Jiangbei Tidu had done to the modernization of Jiangbei distinct .

  8. 林后十一32在大马色,亚哩达王手下的提督,把守大马色人的城,要捉拿我。

    Cor.11:32 In Damascus , the governor under Aretas the king guarded the city of the Damascenes in order to seize me ;

  9. 因此,“避战保船”的不是李鸿章,而是北洋舰队的提督丁汝昌。

    And the entire destruction of Beiyang Fleet would be attributed to the policy of " defending the ships by avoiding battles " by Lihongzhang .

  10. 但是,江北提督与众不同的最根本之处在于其对江北地区新政的主持。

    However , the most fundamental difference between Jiangbei Tidu and other officers was that it had the right to manage the new deals in Jiangbei Distinct .

  11. 以湘、淮军为主的勇营军制的崛起使汉人在晚清提督、总兵和团练将领任职中占绝大多数,从全国区域分布来看,又以湖南和安徽两省人数居多;

    But the rise of the Brave-Army System made Han people accouted for the majority in other army posts , and the numbers of military generals in Hunan and Anhui provinces were the most .

  12. 但是,江北新政的实施并不是无可挑剔的,江北提督更替的频繁、中央政府结构的重组以及经费来源困难等方面的因素使得江北新政在实施过程中存在着诸多的遗憾。

    However , the implementation of the new deal was not impeccable . The factors such as the frequent replacement of the officers of Jiangbei Tidu , the reorganization of the central government and the funding difficulties all made the new deal a lot of regret in the implementation process .