
  • 网络PAYMENT INSTRUMENT;means of payment;instrument of payment
  1. 1.1节对支付工具的本质和演变规律进行了分析。

    Section 1.1 analyzes the essence and evolving laws of means of payment .

  2. 经过20多年的发展,信用卡作为一种有用的支付工具,以它的快捷、方便日益为市民所接受。

    After 20 years developed , credit cards do as a useful means of payment , were adopted by most citizens .

  3. 按照合作协议,双方将利用消费者数据资源将线下门店、商品、物流以及支付工具整合起来,提供更好的整体消费体验。

    Under the deal , the duo would leverage7 their troves of consumer data in order to integrate offline stores , merchandise , logistics and payment tools to deliver a better overall shopping experience .

  4. 随着市场经济和国际贸易的发展,特别是中国加入WTO以后,银行承兑汇票作为一种流通支付工具,其作用显得越来越重要。

    With the development of the market economy and the international trade , specially after China joined in WTO , the function of banker 's acceptance bill becomes more and more important as an instrument of payment and circulation .

  5. 文中基于对认证系统、支付工具的讨论,通过对目前国际上流行的安全支付标准SET、SSL的探讨与分析,阐明了用户如何选择适合自己的安全标准实现电子商务中的安全支付。

    In this paper , we have discussed and analysed the Certificate Authority 、 Electronic Payment and the famous security standard SET & SSL , and want to explain how to select the security standard to realize the security payment in electronic business .

  6. GalaxyCard(GC)是一家拥有包括GalaxyCard信用卡在内的一些广为人知且具有良好声誉的支付工具的全球支付公司。

    GalaxyCard ( GC ) is a universal payments company with a widely recognized and respected brand of payment instruments including GalaxyCard credit cards .

  7. 之初创投的林之晨回忆,去年他和另外四位科技行业人士曾与30名立法委员会面,就一项管控PayPal等网上支付工具的法律进行磋商。

    Mr. Lin of AppWorks recalled a moment last year when he and four others in the tech industry met with 30 legislators to work on a law to regulate online payments like PayPal .

  8. 最后以中国金融认证中心CFCA为认证体系,结合SET协议与SSL协议的优点,提出了一种使用银行卡为支付工具的安全支付模型的设计方案,并用C++语言实现了DES加密算法。

    Finally , combining the strongpoint of SET protocol and SSL protocol , this paper puts forward a designing project of safely paying model , which is paid through bank-card and is authenticated by CFCA , and implements the DES encrypt arithmetic through C + + .

  9. SpaceX公司的所有者是现年40岁的亿万富翁马斯克,他还是国际贸易支付工具PayPal的共同创始人。SpaceX公司是几个竞争者中首个发送飞船到国际空间站的公司,目标是恢复美国和太空的联系,并力图在2015年前实现载人飞行。

    SpaceX , owned by 40-year-old Musk , a billionaire who also co-founded PayPal , is the first of several US competitors to try sending spacecraft to the ISS with the goal of restoring US access to space for human travelers by 2015 .

  10. 因特网电子支付工具及其支付系统的商业设计问题

    Commerce Design Issues of Internet-based Electronic Payment Instrument and Payment System

  11. 信用卡是现代人们进行消费时经常采用的一种支付工具。

    Modern people often use credit card as a payment tool .

  12. 信用卡已成为一种日常的消费支付工具。

    Credit card has become a daily consumption payment tool .

  13. 国际结算的支付工具有哪些?

    What are the tools of receipts and payments in international settlement ?

  14. 在企业购并实践中,主并企业可供选择的支付工具主要有现金和股票两种。

    There are two forms of payment in practice : cash and share .

  15. 信用证是现代国际贸易中重要的支付工具之一。

    Letter of credit is an important payment tool of the international trade settlement .

  16. 这种债权主要通过支票、汇票或其他类似支付工具进行转帐。

    Such claims are typically transferred via cheques , drafts or other similar payment .

  17. 亚洲领袖冀望欧元成为国际贸易替代支付工具

    Asian leaders hope that euro can become an alternative means to international trade payment

  18. 票据:从支付工具到融资工具&兼论票据立法的禁锢和解放

    From Payment Tool to Financing Tool & A Study on Prohibition and Emancipation Bill Legislation

  19. 电子货币是指通过电子信息的交换来完成债务清偿的支付工具。

    The electronic money is a payment instrument for settlement obligations through exchanging electronic dates .

  20. 作为一种便捷的支付工具,信用卡正改变着人们的消费习惯。

    As a convenient tool of payment , credit cards have been changing our habits of consumption .

  21. 支付工具的演变体现交易成本递减规律;

    Diminishing transaction cost ;

  22. 信用卡是一种支付工具的同时更是信贷工具,利息收入是信用卡的主要盈利来源,坏账损失是信用卡的主要支出来源。

    For the credit card , the main income is interest and the main loss is bad loan .

  23. 电子支付工具主要有三大类,电子货币、信用卡和电子支票等。

    The E-payment mainly falls into three kinds , the E-currency , the credit card , and the E-check .

  24. 银行卡作为一种便捷的支付工具对撬动消费增长发挥了重要作用。

    As a convenient payment tool , Bank cards played an important role to stimulating the growth of consumption .

  25. 信用卡是一种先进的结算手段和支付工具,也是一种新颖的消费信贷方式。

    Credit card is an advanced means of balance and payment as well as a new mode of consumption credit .

  26. 信用卡作为一种个人信用和支付工具,具有高投入、高风险、高收益的特点。

    As a personal credit and payment instruments , credit card has the characteristics of high-involvement , high-risk , high-yield .

  27. 银行卡作为重要的非现金支付工具之一,已成为我国公众零售消费使用最频繁的支付工具。

    As one important type of non-cash payment instruments , bank cards have been used most frequently in the retail consumption .

  28. 银行卡作为新兴的支付工具和信用手段,是银行业务与现代科技相结合的产物。

    Bank card is the combination of the bank business and the modern technology as a new payment instruments and credit instruments .

  29. 银行卡是一种支付工具和信用凭证,具有方便、安全和高效的优越性。

    As a credit voucher and a payment tool , the banking card has the superiority of convenience , safety and efficiency .

  30. 近年来已经有一些电子支付工具在商品交易的支付中使用,例如电子钱包、电子钱夹、电子支票等。

    In recent years some electronic payment instruments have put into use , such as electronic purse , electronic pocketbook and electronic check , etc.