
zhī fù nénɡ lì
  • Capacity to pay;ability to pay
  1. 无论支付能力如何,每个人都有权得到良好的医疗。

    Everyone has the right to good medical care regardless of their ability to pay .

  2. 在房市膨胀期,像Countrywide这样的放贷方在没有认证他们的收入或支付能力时例行公事班的向客户发放贷款。

    During the housing boom , lenders such as Countrywide routinely gave mortgages to people without documenting their income or ability to pay .

  3. 这价格大大超过了我们的支付能力。

    The price is way above what we can afford .

  4. 不要因为可以赊购,就买超过自己支付能力的东西。

    Don 't let credit tempt you to buy something you can 't afford

  5. 我国应制定合理的Internet网络资费政策,既要有利于ISP的发展,又要考虑国民的支付能力。

    Appropriate Internet service tariff policy should be made in China , allowing for ISP 's development and end user affordability .

  6. 90年代国际旅游支付能力与人均GNP关系的研究

    Relation between national tourism payout capacity and personal GNP

  7. 根据R的不同取值,我们可以将保险人的风险厌恶态度与被保险人的支付能力达成完美的结合。

    According to the variant value of the R , we can appease perfectly the conflict between the risk averse attitude of the insurer and the affording ability of the insured .

  8. 采用无序多元Logistic选择模型确定住房支付能力和住房补贴政策作为影响公务员住房选择的关键指标。

    The result of the Unsorted Multinomial Logistic Model identifies the housing affordability and the housing subsidy standard as the key factors to affect the housing choice of the civil servants .

  9. 基于ELES模型的农民灌溉水价支付能力水平界定

    Application of ELES model to Classify Levels of Farmers ' Payment Ability for Irrigation Water Price

  10. 贫困地区合作医疗筹资标准的可行性一方面受到农民的客观支付能力(ATP)的影响,同时还受到农民对合作医疗的认识和意愿支付水平的影响。

    The feasibility of RCMS financing in poor rural China is affected not only by the ability-to-pay ( ATP ), but also by the willingness-to-pay ( WTP ) and acknowledge of RCMS .

  11. 进一步提示CT等大型医用设备需要卫生专业技术人才、医疗服务项目及支付能力多种因素相辅相成才有望达到理想应用状态,从而促使城乡卫生资源发挥出最大效益。

    The evidence further proves that ideal condition which contributes to the best effect of medical resource , should combines the following factors of proper use of large-scale medical equipment such as CT , professional medical stall , medical service project and expenditure capability .

  12. 结果HD患者的QOL的各维度得分显著低于一般人群,家庭关系、费用支付能力、并发症、原发病与患者的QOL有显著关联性。

    Results The patients ' QOL were worse than that of the common crowd , and their family relations , expense payment ability , complication , originally diseases were correlative with their QOL .

  13. 据此方程将国际旅游支付能力划分为高、中、低三个等级,揭示各等级旅游支付与人均GNP的对应关系;

    Based on the equation , the international tourism payoff capacity was ranked into three grades , and the corresponding relations between the tourism payoff of each grade and per capita GNP was revealed .

  14. 在许多学校里,财务问题会影响录取决定。美国全国大学招生咨询协会(NationalAssociationforCollegeAdmissionCounseling)最近的一份报告发现,大约有一半的院校表示,申请人的“支付能力”在招生决定中至少“有一定重要性”。

    On many campuses , financial concerns affect decisions about whom to admit . A recent report by the National Association for College Admission Counseling found that about half of institutions said an applicant 's " ability to pay " was of at least " some importance " in admissions decisions .

  15. 当Commodore64型个人电脑上市时,我下定决心要买一台,即使它的价格超出了我母亲的支付能力。

    When the Commodore 64 personal computer debuted , I convinced myself that I had to have it even though its price was out of my mother 's range .

  16. 我们必须使开支不超出我们的支付能力。

    We must limit our expense to what we can afford .

  17. 中国城镇职工社会统筹账户的支付能力研究

    Solvency Research on Urban Employees ' Social Pooling Account in China

  18. 我国商业银行支付能力分析

    An Analysis of The Paying Capacity of Business Banks in China

  19. 课税增加了;我们的支付能力下降了;

    taxes have risen , our ability to pay has fallen ;

  20. 课税增加了,我们的支付能力下降了;

    taxes have risen ; our ability to pay has fallen ;

  21. 一辆新轿车的费用远远超出我的支付能力。

    The cost of a new car is way above my means .

  22. 农民合作医疗支付能力研究

    Study of ability to pay for CMS by rural population

  23. 基于不同视角的国外住房支付能力测度研究述评

    Research Review on Foreign Housing Affordability Measurement Based on Multi-perspectives

  24. 最后我报的价超过了我的支付能力。

    I ended up bidding more than I could afford .

  25. 我国高等教育学费与居民家庭支付能力的现状分析

    The Relationship between Tuition Fees in Higher Education and Family Financial Affordability

  26. 这一税目与人们的支付能力没有关系。

    The tax bears no relation to people 's ability to pay .

  27. 英国人的支付能力则消耗殆尽。

    The British were nearing the end of their ability to pay .

  28. 负税能力原则;纳税的支付能力原则;课税的支付能力原则关税作为保护手段原则

    Ability-to-pay principle of taxation rule of customs duties as means of protection

  29. 其中消费者的支付能力起着关键的作用。

    Among these , the defrayal ability of consumers plays a vital role .

  30. 陕西省农民卫生支付能力研究

    Research on farmers ' health ability-to-pay in Shanxi Province