
gǎi dào
  • diversion;rechannel;change one's route;diversion of the course of river
改道 [gǎi dào]
  • (1) [change ones route]∶改变行走路线

  • (2) [diversion of the course of river]∶河流改变河道

  • 三峡改道工程

改道[gǎi dào]
  1. 这条河改道经水电站后流入大海。

    The river is diverted through the power station before discharging into the sea .

  2. 她坚持改道去机场附近的一个村庄。

    She insists on diverting to a village close to the airport

  3. 大量的车流改道经过我家前门。

    The heavy traffic was re-routed past my front door

  4. 外交部愿意向海运公司支付将该船改道至百慕大的一切费用。

    The Foreign Office offered to pay the shipping line all the costs of diverting the ship to Bermuda .

  5. 黄河入海有过26次改道。

    The Yellow River changed its course to the sea on 26 occasions .

  6. 他们改道去杭州了。

    They changed their route and went to Hangzhou .

  7. 咱们改道往自然博物馆走吧。

    Let 's bend our way to the Museum of natural history .

  8. 他们使河流改道。

    They divert the course of a river .

  9. 为防止水涝,我们必须使河水改道。

    To prevent flooding , we shall have to divert the river from its course .

  10. 她为我安排了一架小型飞机,为我改道纽瓦克,我回到英国的时间甚至比原定时间更早。

    She arranged for a flight on a small plane to be held for me , re-routed me through Newark and got me back to the UK even earlier than originally scheduled .

  11. 比较两组改道后的氧代谢情况、人工气道留置时间、肺部并发症发生率和预后(P0.05)。

    The oxygen metabolism , pulmonary complication incidence of two groups were analyzed and compared .

  12. 可控性尿流改道术(介绍一种改良IndianaPouch)

    CONTINENT URINARY DIVERSION ( Introducing a Continent colon urinary Reservoir & modified Indiana Pouch )

  13. CFP改道访问维轮询兼容性,带更效轮询。

    CFP , and the ability to retain polling for backward compatibility , result in more efficient polling .

  14. 还有几百人(包括《Vogue》杂志的安娜・温图尔(AnnaWintour))被伦敦的大风耽搁了行程,他们的飞机改道都柏林和纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)。

    Hundreds ( including Vogue 's Anna Wintour ) were waylaid by London 's high winds , their planes redirected to Dublin and Newcastle .

  15. Gazprom可以增加对欧洲的管道天然气供应量,这样原定运往欧洲的液化天然气船就可改道日本。

    Gazprom could increase its pipeline gas supplies to Europe , so LNG cargoes destined for Europe could be redirected to Japan .

  16. 方法:经尿流改道和充分术前准备后,经尿道前列腺电汽化术(TUVP)治疗。

    Method : Transurethral electrovaporization ablation of the prostate ( TUVP ) was performed on patients with BPH .

  17. ABC将任何城市结算帐单以支出,包括安全水源改道Muni服务和运动的街头电缆适应阶段和录音设备。

    ABC will foot the bill for any city expenditures , including security rerouting of Muni services and movement of street cables to accommodate the stage and recording equipment .

  18. 目的探讨影响全膀胱切除尿流改道早期术后小肠梗阻(EPSBO)发生率的潜在因素。

    [ Objective ] To study the potential factors that affect the rate of early postoperative small bowel obstruction ( EPSBO ) after radical cystectomy and urinary diversion .

  19. 建坝时,他们让河水改道。

    They diverted the river while they is building the dam .

  20. 历史上,黄河曾多次改道。

    The Huanghe river changed its course many times in history .

  21. 在修路期间车辆改道行驶。

    Traffic will be diverted while the road is under repair .

  22. 这恐怕就是他们改道而行的原因。

    And probably that was the reason why they changed directions .

  23. 当那辆车撞坏时,警察就让车辆改道。

    When the car crashed , the police diverted the traffic .

  24. 老年患者全膀胱切除后尿流改道术式的选择与评价

    Evaluation on the ways of urinary diversion in elderly patients

  25. 静脉移植改道修复腘动脉损伤

    Repair of blunt-injured popliteal artery by change-way of veinous transplantation

  26. 卡车被迫改道而行。

    The trucks were forced to divert to another road .

  27. 由于车辆改道,我们只能返回。

    We had to turn back because of traffic diversion .

  28. 请留意现场有关交通改道之告示。

    Please follow the notice on site for traffic diversion .

  29. 1855年以来的改道变迁情况。

    Studying some aspects of river course changes since 1855 ;

  30. 只要路上不发生爆胎,改道。

    If no accidents occur on the way , like punctured tyres .