- angle of attack

A nonlinear unsteady indicial response model of aerodynamic coefficient could be approximated by the use of Fourier analysis function at high angle of attack .
Compressible flow around an NACA 0012 airfoil at high angle of attack is numerically simulated by solving the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations in a body-fitted system , the grid system is C-type grid generated algebraically .
An Estimation Method of Angle-of-attack and Sideslip Angle Based on INS
Numerical Simulation of Cruciform Missile at High Angle of Attack Based on N-S Equation
In the paper , a method is developed about attack angle measurement of flying projectile with linear array CCD technology , and the calculation method of the attack angle established .
K - ω SST turbulence model is combined with SA model to adapt to the numerical simulation of flow around airfoil in large attack angle range .
With the increase of the initial attack Angle , reduced stability of Bridges . ( 3 ) Adopts MATLAB software , using spectral representation and fixed inverse Fourier transform method simulate fluctuating wind field of bridge .
In order to understand the characteristics of this complicated phenomenon , a strongly separated flow in an annular compressor cascade at large incidence was investigated using Laser Doppler Velocimeter ( LDV ) and 7 hole pneumatic probe .
Correlation study on force test data for aircraft at high angles of attack in 1.2m and 0.6m high speed wind tunnels
Turbulent separation occurs on pressure surface at small attack angles for the airfoils which relative thickness more than 40 % , making airfoil stall at small attack angles and the lift coefficient decrease .
Finally , the qualitative and quantitative effect of parameters such as attack angle , pressure ratio of jet , Mach number of jet and state of boundary layer on lateral jet interaction are analyzed in detail .
This thesis presents a research on the flowfield of compressor cascades under large positive attack angles via PIV . The cascades are composed of conventional straight blades and positive curved blades .
The forced vibration equipment with three degrees of freedom is applied to solve the distortion problem of vertical motion in free elastic suspension method , and the flutter derivatives of H-shaped and rectangular sections under large attack angle are accurately identified from the forced vibration testing data .
Behavior of erosion-corrosion in a slurry of wet process phosphoric acid containing SO 2 particales have been studied with different impact for 316L and 904L stainless steels using rotating method test apparatus .
Finite volume approach and pressure-correct method are applied to numerically solve two-dimensional steady time-average N-S equations closed with κ - ε turbulence model and the separation flow in a turbine last stage rotor cascade at different negative incidence are simulated .
The variations of both the bow shock positions at different Mach numbers and the positions of separating lines induced by shock waves with Mach numbers and angles of attack are obtained based upon the schlieren plus the vapor screen photos in the sections .
In the calculation of the NACAOO series with zero attack , comparison is carried out for some interpolation methods .
Based on the traditional flow field validation , which is the combination of pressure measuring method using parallel pitot tube plus pressure scanner system and velocity measurement method using hot wire anemometer , the velocity uniformity and wind attack angle are checked using PIV method .
The aerodynamic forces of section model are measured by the force balance of forced vibration equipment , which is further used to estimate the Strouhal number of H-shaped and rectangular sections , and the measurements of steady aerodynamic force coefficient continuously varying with attack angles are realized .
The result indicates that it have the high elementary invite 、 the small angle of attack and well pneumatic steady shape of EFP in the MEFP warhead with the centre line detonation and the plane detonation .
AF 2 iteration and its parallel algorithm for transonic flow with large disturbances in freestream-direction around axisymmetric bodies at zero angle of attack
By using the Baldwin-Lomax turbulent model , the formation of the leading edge separation bubble , as well as the convection of vortex along the airfoil surface and unsteady phenomena of vortex are simulated at high angle of attack .
Firstly , stability of a hypersonic boundary layer on a blunt cone with small nose bluntness at zero angle of attack has been investigated and the transition location was predicted by the e-N method .
In this paper , the test mechanism of dynamic stability derivative with angle of attack up to 30 ° and its measuring system are presented together with typical test results of a Standard Dynamic Model ( SDM ) in 1.2m transonic wind tunnel .
The control project of continuum changing attack angle , which is based on PCI-1711 data collection card , has succeeded in applying model test and offered reliable test platform for development of important aircraft .
There are two states to be considered here . One is the complete laminar boundary layer and the other is the boundary layer transition . The transition point is confirmed by Batt boundary layer transition criteria .
In this water tunnel experiments , the results obtained at 20 ? cm / s for the roughness height 0.8 ? mm can be used to explained the scatter of the pitching moment curves obtained in the wind tunnel measurements .
The present discrete vortex model combined with singularity method can be easily applied to a building with complicated shape . The characteristics of wind field are numerically simulated , the lift and drag coefficients and Strouhal numbers are analyzed for several angles of attack .
The copulation of kinetic equation in terms of differential form and kinematic equation in terms of integral forms , and Baldwin Lomax turbulent model for separated flows , can be used efficiently in simulating exactly complex flow fields for large Reynolds number and large attack cases .
By choosing a group of available free integral parameters , a semiempirical theoretic method based on the crossflow theory and Wardlaw 's concentrated votex method is used to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics of air bomb without fin at hige angle of attack .