
  • 网络livestock
  1. Morgan和他的同事在美国科罗拉多州用于放牧牲畜的半干旱草原上建造了6个透明的舱。

    Morgan and colleagues constructed six clear chambers on semi-arid grasslands used for grazing livestock in Colorado , United States .

  2. 人类的任何干涉活动,例如放牧牲畜,都可能导致严重的退化。

    Any human interventions , for example grazing livestock , can lead to serious degradation .

  3. 必须详细记录人工饲养和放牧牲畜两者的食物变化。

    In both hand-fed and grazing animals changes in diet should be carefully noted .

  4. 草地产草量的季节性变化,可影响放牧牲畜的增重与繁殖。

    Cultivating grass and grazing Livestocks under forest , not only increases animal products ;

  5. 北美西部到墨西哥的一种植物;尤其对放牧牲畜有毒。

    Plant of western North America to Mexico ; poisonous especially to grazing animals .

  6. 我们走过牧场去查看放牧的牲畜,外公似乎认得每一头母牛。

    As we walked the pastures getting a close-up look at the livestock , Grandpa seemed to know each cow .

  7. 目前,威尔士正在对机器人进行为期两年的试验,该试验将训练“农业机器人”放牧,监测牲畜的健康状况,并确保有足够的牧场供它们取食。

    Robots are currently under a two-year trial in Wales which will train " farmbots " to herd , monitor the health of livestock , and make sure there is enough pasture for them to graze on .

  8. 放牧了牛羊等牲畜之后,草地需要休养生息。

    Grasslands need time to rest when cattle and other animals feed on them .