
  • 网络government system;governmental system;governmental institution
  1. 地方政府制度创新:一个治理的分析框架

    Local Government System of Innovation : A Governance Framework

  2. 东北地区地方政府制度创新与东北地区经济发展研究

    Research on Innovation of Local Government System and Economic Development in the Northeast Region

  3. 赔偿战债以及改变政府制度等。

    Repaying war debts , and changing its form of government .

  4. 承诺条件下政府制度供给策略

    Research on Government 's Supply Tactics in the Circumstances of Commitment

  5. 政府制度创新,强化监督管理;

    The government takes the institution innovation to strengthen supervision and management ;

  6. 论中部地区政府制度创新的基础

    The Foundation of Government Institutional Innovation in the Middle Region

  7. 论政府制度供给与西部经济增长

    On Supply of Governmental Institutions and Economic Growth in West-China

  8. 政府制度演变理论:引入性思考

    Government Institutional Evolvement Theory : An Introducing Thinking

  9. 科技进步与西部农村经济发展&基于政府制度供给的视角

    Technology Progress and The Western Rural Economic Development

  10. 政府制度选择的道德核心范畴

    Ethical Kernel Category of Administrative System Selection

  11. 政府制度建设中的道德原则

    Ethical Principle in Building Government System

  12. 专区专署制度是一种派出政府制度。

    The system of administrative supervisory commissioner is a kind of system on the agency of authorities .

  13. 目标、领导者与财政约束:对农业产业化中政府制度供给的分析

    Objectives , Leader and Fiscal Constrain : An Analysis of the Governmental Institution Supply in Agriculture Integration

  14. 透视政府制度建设:顺德农村税费改革

    State Building At The Grass-roots Level : A Case Study Of Rural Tax-for-fee Reform In Shunde , Guangdong

  15. 在体制转型时期,政府制度职能是引导和推动经济社会发展的强有力的杠杆。

    During the transformation period , government institution functions lead and promote the development of economy and society .

  16. 政府制度供给的价值内涵具体体现在经济制度、政治制度和文化制度上。

    The value connotation of governmental institution providing mainly embodies on economical institution , political institution and cultural institution .

  17. 阐述了政府制度创新的基本内容、制约因素、实施方式等主要问题。

    This essay expatiates the basic contents , condition factors and the modes of government carrying out institution innovation .

  18. 有助于探究比较政府制度的学科体系,繁荣马克思主义的政治科学和行政科学;

    It helps to research into the subject setup of comparative government system and prospect political science and management science of Marxism .

  19. 《物业管理条例》的理念偏差与制度缺陷论乡镇政府制度创新的理念与切入点

    The Conceptual Deviations and Systematic Defects of the Regulations on Realty Management Institutional Innovation of Township Government : Concept and Breakthrough Point

  20. 良好的政府制度可以使一个国家保持长期发展和稳定。

    An active governmental system cannot only make the nation prosperous but also make the country keeping a long-term development and stability .

  21. 重构中央与地方关系,加强地方政府制度创新主体地位;

    Re-establish the relationship between the central and local government , strengthen the local government 's status as main body of institutional innovation ;

  22. 因此政府制度创新既是一个目标也是一个政府存在的方式。

    So government 's system innovation is it is not only a goal but also a way of the existence of a government .

  23. 村级转制公司是农村体制改革与农村城市化、地方政府制度创新的产物。

    The institution-transformed company at country level is the comprehensive product of rural structural reform , countryside urbanization and system innovation at local government .

  24. 西部经济的落后,地方政府制度创新的缺失是重要的原因。

    The absence of the local government 's institutional innovations is the main reason which results in the lagging behind of the western economy .

  25. 第三部分分析地方政府制度创新中政治风险的主要表现及其形成原因。

    In the third section , the detailed forms and the reason for the political risks in the system innovation on the Local government are analyzed .

  26. 随着新制度主义经济学对政治学、行政学的渗透,运用新制度主义的方法对地方政府制度创新的研究迅速发展并取得了一定成果。

    With the seeping of new institutional economics in politics and administration , the study of local government institutional innovation with new institutional economics research methods has been growing rapidly .

  27. 优化地方政府制度创新就要改善地方政府进行制度创新的制度环境、增强地方政府制度创新的动力、规范地方政府制度创新的行为和提高地方政府制度创新的绩效。

    In order to improve local government institution innovation , we should amend the institution environment , build up the local government motivity and hold in the actions of local government .

  28. 本文提出的政府制度创新模型包括制度创新环境、诱致性制度变迁、强制性制度变迁、政府制度创新等多个重要因素。

    The proposed system of government innovation models in this paper , include the environment , induced regime change , the mandatory system changes , system innovation , and other important factors .

  29. 坚持政府制度选择的核心范畴和首要原则&公正,就必须坚持起点的公平、过程的公正、成本的合理和结果的适当。

    Sticking to justice by way of the kernel category and chief principle of administrative system selection must persist in equal starting point , impartial running , and accordable cost , satisfactory outcome .

  30. 决定各级政府制度供给的关键因素是交易费用,并在此基础上确定各级政府在制度供给中的最优规模。

    And the key factor influencing instructional supply of governments at all levels is transaction expense . So governments should decide the optimal scale of their intuitional supply on the base of transaction expense .