
zhènɡ fǔ cǎi ɡòu hé tonɡ
  • procurement contract;government contract
  1. WTO框架下政府采购合同的国际私法问题

    Private International Law Problem of Government Procurement Contract Related to WTO

  2. 政府采购合同的法律调整

    The Legal Adjustment of the Government Procurement Contract

  3. 美国贸易代表罗恩柯克(ronkirk)表示,中方已同意在政府采购合同中,把美中两国企业组建的合资公司视为本地企业,这是美国企业界在此次会谈中关注的优先事项之一。

    Ron Kirk , US trade representative , said China had agreed to treat joint venture companies involving the two countries as local businesses in government procurement contracts , one of the priorities of US businesses in this round of talks .

  4. 因此本文从政府采购合同和BT回购合同出发,将政府的分期采购资金和BT项目中的分期回购资金作为基础资产,创建资产池,并按不同的流程实施证券化操作。

    Therefore , this article from government procurement contracts and buy-back contracts BT proceed in phases of government procurement funds and BT projects in phases repurchase funds as underlying asset , to create " asset pool ", according to the process of implementation of the securitization of various operations .

  5. 论政府采购合同的性质及司法审查

    On the Property and Legal Examination of Government Purchasing Contract

  6. 合同之名行政之实&政府采购合同的行政色彩

    The Name of Contract , the Real Administration

  7. 政府采购合同的特征与政策功能

    Characteristics and Policy Function of Government Purchase Contract

  8. 浅析政府采购合同的司法审查

    Legal Examination on Government Procurement Contract

  9. 第四章,欧盟政府采购合同授予的标准。

    Chapter two , the way of the award of contract in European Union 's government procurement .

  10. 同时,以政府采购合同为例,探讨了行政契约履行不当的违约责任。最后,文章对行政契约履行过程中的违法责任进行了探讨。

    At last , this thesis studies the illegal liability in the phase of performs of administrative contract .

  11. 政府采购合同从形式上看更多具有民事合同的性质,但是,从本质上分析,它仍应属于行政合同的范畴。

    Government procurement contract has more civil contract in form , but in essence it still belongs to administrative contract .

  12. 例如对有关投诉和质疑程序改进的借鉴,以及对政府采购合同进行司法救济的修正。

    For example , the reference process improvement in complaints and questions , as well as government procurement contracts amendments .

  13. 在政府采购合同中,行政机关或行政机关的委托人是政府采购合同的必然的一方当事人;

    In such contract , the client of administrative organ or administrative organ is one party of government 's procurement contract ;

  14. 文章还探讨政府采购合同的性质,论证对供应商提供权利救济的必要性,顺势对权利救济的一般理论进行概述。

    The paper also explores the nature of the government procurement contract and confirms the necessity of providing right remedies for the suppliers .

  15. 应该说,对政府采购合同的监督是一项复杂而又重要的工作,它寓于政府采购的全过程。

    Should say , supervision of government procurement contracts is an important and complicated work , it resides in the government procurement process .

  16. 其中包括,建立完备的政府采购合同的监督制度;完善我国政府采购合同的救济制度;合理合法的适用法律。

    Including the establishment of a comprehensive monitoring mechanism of government procurement contracts ; complete relief of government procurement contracts reasonable and legitimate applicable law .

  17. 另外一种可能的情况则让人不太放心:政治人脉将能让企业获得适合自身的法规,或是利润丰厚的政府采购合同。

    A less comforting possibility is that political connections give companies access to the regulations that suit them , or to juicy government procurement contracts .

  18. 政府采购合同是市场经济条件下政府取得物质基础,实现管理经济生活职能的基本法律形式。

    The government procurement contract is basic legal form for the government to obtain material foundation and realize the function of managing economic livings under the conditions of market economy .

  19. 反商业行贿运动主要针对建筑工程、土地转让、产权交易、药品销售、政府采购合同及资源的开发与销售方面。

    The campaign against commercial bribery mainly targeted at construction projects , land transfers , property transactions , pharmaceutical sales , government procurement contracts as well as resources exploitation and sales .

  20. 为获得政府采购合同,一些不法供应商在投标过程中达成合谋,最典型的例子是在通过公开招标方式进行政府采购时供应商之间的串通投标行为。

    To obtain government procurement contracts , some suppliers colluded with others in the tendering process , the most typical example is bid-rigging among suppliers made in the government procurement through tendering .

  21. 究其原因,主要在于没有正确认识政府采购合同的性质,从而减等了权利救济的范围和途径。

    The reason for that is incorrect understanding of the nature of the government procurement contracts . Consequently , the scope of the right remedy and the means of seeking remedies have been reduced .

  22. 政府采购合同在合同授予、合同内容和合同所实现的功能等方面都有别于民事合同,实属行政合同,应纳入行政诉讼的受案范围。

    The government procurement contract is a kind of administrative contract , which is different from the civil contract , and it should be included in the scope of the accepting cases of the administrative litigation .

  23. 政府采购合同的性质是政府采购中的一个重要问题,但争议颇多,其中,最具意义的是行政合同与民事合同之争。

    The nature of government 's procurement contract is an important problem in the government procurement . There are quite many disputes , among which the battle between administration contract and civil contract battle is the most meaningful .

  24. 文章拟以政府采购合同为切入点,通过探讨政府采购合同的救济渠道与途径,指出政府采购法的若干缺失,希望对理论与实务有所裨益。

    This paper , based on government procurement contract , is intended to account for relief accesses of government procurement and point out some defaults of government procurement law , hoping to be helpful in maintaining the supplier s right .

  25. 本文是通过对政府采购合同的性质分析,进而探讨了政府采购合同监督、权利救济以及法律适用的问题,并提出了自己对这些法律问题的完善措施。

    This article is by the nature of government procurement contracts , and then discusses the oversight of government procurement contracts , and legal remedies for the problems and put forward their own questions on measures to improve these laws .

  26. 政府采购的帕累托最优合同与监督博弈

    Analysis in Pareto Best Contract and Supervision of the Government Procurement

  27. 政府采购行为在法律形式上大都采用合同形式。由于采购人的强势行政权力,政府采购合同供应商的合法权益极易受到侵害。

    Government procurement conduct , in law , is generally confirmed in the form of contract , As purchaser 's enormous executive power , the lawful rights of government procurement supplier are easily prejudiced in commercial dealings .

  28. 根据北美自由贸易协定(Nafta)及世贸组织(WTO)的《政府采购协定》(GPA),美国政府采购合同不得歧视GPA缔约国或加拿大和墨西哥的供应商或零部件。

    Under the North American Free Trade Agreement ( Nafta ) and the government procurement agreement ( GPA ) of the World Trade Organisation , US government contracts are not allowed to discriminate against suppliers or parts from GPA signatories or from Canada or Mexico .

  29. 然而由于目前我国中小企业整体实力较薄弱,缺乏政府采购政策支持等原因,在与大型企业竞争政府采购合同时往往处于劣势,很难取得政府采购合同,亟需政府采购政策予以支持。

    However , because of the weak overall strength and a lack of sound government procurement policy , SMEs are often at a disadvantage in winning government procurement contracts in competition with large enterprises .

  30. 如果中国成为《政府采购协议》的成员国,那么中资企业竞标美国联邦和州政府的采购合同时会更加方便。

    If China were a GPA member , its companies could have an easier time bidding for U.S. and state government contracts .