
  • 网络Political marriage;marriage of convenience
  1. 这种婚姻安排是出于个人利益或者某些策略考虑,比如政治婚姻。

    Instead , such a marriage is orchestrated for personal gain or some other sort of strategic purpose , such as political marriage .

  2. 古代王室政治婚姻初论

    The Preliminary Comment on Political Marriage among Ancient Royal Families

  3. 政治婚姻是以婚姻为手段达到某种政治目的的婚姻形式,它是唐代政治、军事斗争的产物,其方式和类型也随政治、军事形式的变化而变化。

    Political marriage was the marital form that regarded marriage as the medium to reach political object .

  4. 政治婚姻,是把婚姻作为达到政治目的手段的婚姻,这自然主要实行于官僚阶层,而且种类繁多。

    Political marriage is a type of marriage to take marriage as a means to achieve certain political purpose , mainly existing in bureaucratic class with various types .

  5. 在宗法制度已经形成的周代,女性仅仅是生产和生育的工具或是政治婚姻的牺牲品。

    In the Zhou dynasty patriarchal clan system had been formed , women were only the tools of working and giving birth , or the victims of political marriages .

  6. 王室政治婚姻是一种借助婚姻形式来达到政治目的的政治策略,在历史上曾产生过重要影响。

    The political marriage among royal families that had once had great influence in history is a kind of political tactics , in which marriage is employed to attain certain political goals .

  7. 十六国北朝时期,渤海封氏在政治、婚姻和文化上都呈现出了自己的特点。

    The Feng family had its ' characteristics in political , marriage and culture in Sixteen-state and Northern Dynasty .

  8. 入元后,随着该家族逐渐深入汉地,其通婚由种族婚姻向政治门第婚姻不断转变;

    It 's marriage changed from race marriage to family status marriage along with the family entering han 's land in Yuan dynasty .

  9. 《一小时的故事》与文学阐释的几个方面&兼答《性别政治还是婚姻约束》一文

    " The Story of an Hour " and Some Aspects of Literary Interpretation : A Reply to " Gender Politics or Marriage Bondage "

  10. 作家在政治和婚姻、家庭上的保守观念并没有影响到她在女性问题上的思考和立场。

    Writers in the political and marriage , family and the conservative concepts did not affect her on the issue of women in the thinking and position .

  11. 研究员保罗·埃克曼,是《说谎:在市场、政治和婚姻中的欺骗》一书的作者,他表示最好的测谎器当属素有训练的眼睛和耳朵。

    Researcher Paul Ekman , author of Telling Lies : Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace , Politics and Marriage , contends that the best lie detectors are trained eyes and ears .

  12. 春秋时期特定的政治环境和婚姻环境都是重要的原因。

    The specific political environment and marriage environment in Chunqiu Period are the important reasons .

  13. 这一时期的婚姻具有明显的政治色彩,但婚姻文化也相对开放、自由;

    The marriages in this period had obvious political color , and the marriage culture was relatively open and liberal .

  14. 研究结果可能会给英国日益激烈的政治辩论焦点&婚姻问题带来些启示。

    The findings are likely to shed new light on the state of marriage in Britain , which is at the centre of a growing political argument .

  15. 这个叙事意图,是由贞洁受伤型、政治受伤型、婚姻受伤型等三类女性人物形象来实现的。

    The narration intention which is from " chaste and undefiled to injure by type "," type at politics "" type at marriages ", etc , three kinds woman images realize .