
zhènɡ zhì fēnɡ xiǎn
  • political risk
  1. 这样的决定势必带来巨大的政治风险。

    Such a decision would entail a huge political risk

  2. 总统全力支持反叛分子,对所冒的政治风险心中有数。

    The President took a calculated political risk in throwing his full support behind the rebels .

  3. 我国BOT项目融资中政治风险的识别和管理

    Identification and Management of Political Risks in China 's BOT Project Financing

  4. 这其中也许已经把政治风险包括在内(美国高科技领袖谷歌(Google)增长率更低,市盈率却为18倍)。

    Political risk may be priced in ( US tech leader Google trades on an 18 times multiple for slower growth ) .

  5. 具体而言,本文的核心内容为:文章首先对FDI的含义、特征和相关理论进行了阐述,然后整理了政治风险的定义、表现形式及评估体系。

    First of all , it elaborates the definition and characteristics as well as the related theory of FDI . Then elaborates the definition , manifestations and evaluation system of political risk .

  6. 首先对BOT项目中的风险分担原则进行阐述,然后从商业风险和政治风险两个方面,讨论了风险的具体类型及其分担机制。

    Firstly , the principal of the risk sharing system in BOT , and secondly , various types and sharing system of commercial risks and political risks respectively .

  7. 政治风险咨询公司FrontierStrategyGroup的董事总经理亚力克斯o戈尔巴斯基(AlexGorbansky)表示,力拓竞购加拿大铝业,表明西方大型矿商很紧张。

    Alex Gorbansky , managing director at Frontier Strategy Group , a political risk consultancy , says Rio 's bid for Alcan is a sign that the big western miners are nervous .

  8. 政治风险是国际工程项目最常见的风险,在分析国际工程项目政治风险基础上,提出了一个基于BP神经算法的国际工程项目政治风险评价模型。

    Political risk is one of the common risks in international construction projects , the political risk is analyzed in this paper and an evaluation model of political risk in international construction projects is presented based on BP algorithm .

  9. 私营保险公司,国家出口信用机构以像MIGA一样的多边机构都为企业提供应对政治风险的保障。

    Private insurers , national export-credit agencies and multilateral bodies like MIGA offer businesses cover against political shocks .

  10. 本文作者分别是政治风险咨询公司欧亚集团(EurasiaGroup)总裁和研究主管。本文是二人与该集团业务主管克利福德库普钱(CliffordKupchan)联合撰写

    The writers are president and head of research at Eurasia Group respectively . The article was co-authored with Clifford Kupchan , practice head at the risk consultancy group

  11. “这对政府打算如何处理劳动法规将是一大考验,”咨询机构化险咨询公司(controlrisks)上海办事处政治风险分析师安德鲁吉洛姆(andrewgilholm)表示。

    " This is a big test of where the government is going with labour regulation , " said Andrew gilholm , a political risk analyst in the Shanghai Office of the consultancy control risks .

  12. 显然,对高盛放任自流,而其它银行则仍然受到问题资产救助计划(tarp)的约束,这样做是有政治风险的。

    There are obvious political risks in letting Goldman roam free while other banks remain bound by the Troubled Asset Relief Programme ( TARP ) .

  13. CandyCandy的首席执行长坎迪(NickCandy)称,投资者必须考虑政治风险。他指出,一些市场难以预测的汇率情况以及对外国人持有房产的限制会让一些买家放弃购买。

    ' You have to look at the political risk , ' said Nick Candy , CEO of Candy Candy , noting that unpredictable currency exchange and ownership hurdles for foreigners in some markets might dissuade some buyers .

  14. Candy&Candy的首席执行长坎迪(NickCandy)称,投资者必须考虑政治风险。他指出,一些市场难以预测的汇率情况以及对外国人持有房产的限制会让一些买家放弃购买。

    You have to look at the political risk , ' said Nick Candy , CEO of Candy & Candy , noting that unpredictable currency exchange and ownership hurdles for foreigners in some markets might dissuade some buyers .

  15. 这项研究由全球最大的律师事务所高伟绅律师事务所(CliffordChance)发起。研究指出,许多尚未在俄罗斯投资的跨国公司担心政治风险,却低估了税务繁杂、技能短缺和官僚政治效率低下的影响。

    The research , sponsored by Clifford Chance , the world 's largest law firm , says many multinationals that have yet to invest in Russia are worried by political risk but underestimate the impact of tax complexity , skills shortages and bureaucratic inefficiency .

  16. 香港财政司司长曾俊华(JohnTsang)在周日发表的一篇博客文章中称,他非常担心香港当前面临的政治风险可能会引发一场“完美的金融经济风暴”。

    In an entry posted to his personal blog Sunday , Financial Secretary John Tsang said he was very worried that the cloud of political uncertainty looming over Hong Kong could help to bring about a ' perfect economic storm . '

  17. 通过研究FDI与政治风险关系的文献综述引出FDI和政治风险关系的非线性模型,利用SPSS统计分析软件对所有的数据进行回归分析,通过数值模拟,得到模型中各变量对FDI决策的影响。

    Therefore , the nonlinear model is taken to study the relationship between FDI and political risk . The article use SPSS to do regression analysis with all of data , after that , the influence of different variables on FDI can be seen through numerical simulation .

  18. 任何可能接替格拉卡斯•福斯特的人选都会心存警惕,不愿在现任高管结束这个烂摊子前接手,政治风险咨询机构欧亚集团(EurasiaGroup)的若昂•奥古斯托•德卡斯特罗•内维斯(Jo&227;oAugustodeCastroNeves)称。

    Any potential candidate to replace Ms Gra # 231 ; as Foster would be wary of coming on before the current executives sign off the damage , says Jo # 227 ; o Augusto de Castro Neves of Eurasia Group , a political risk consultancy .

  19. 政治风险和商业战略咨询公司PacificRimAdvisors的首席执行长安德森(GregAnderson)说,很多人对中国车企无法同外国汽车制造商竞争的事实存有不满。

    ' There is a lot of resentment of the fact that the Chinese cannot compete with foreign auto makers , ' said Greg Anderson , chief executive of political risk and business strategy consultancy Pacific Rim Advisors , and author of a recent book on China 's auto industry .

  20. 参与该项目的大宇高级职员RichardShin表示,公司对这个印度洋岛国与日俱增的政治风险感到惊讶。但他补充说:我们希望按计划继续推进该项目,不管该国政权是否发生更迭。

    Richard Shin , an official at Daewoo involved in the project , said the company was surprised by growing political risk in the Indian Ocean 's island , but added : We want to continue to pursue the project as planned , whether the government changes or not .

  21. “加拿大邀请中国投资,而在美国则存在政治风险,”投行杰富瑞(jefferies)驻香港分析师labanyu表示,“这笔交易证实,国内资产不足,因此只要有出售的资产,它们就会收购。”

    " Canada invites Chinese investment , whereas there is political risk in the US , " said Laban Yu , analyst at Jefferies in Hong Kong . " This deal is confirmation that domestic assets are shot , so anything that is for sale they will buy . "

  22. 去年,由世界银行多变投资担保机构(MIGA)的研究表明,政治风险超过了经济不稳定以及基础设施恶劣,成为投资者们在发展中国家进行长期投资的最大顾虑。

    A survey last year by the World Bank 's Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency ( MIGA ) found that political risk was the biggest deterrent for investors in developing countries over the longer term , ranked ahead of economic instability and bad infrastructure .

  23. 在全球开展业务的美国工业集团伊顿(eaton)的首席财务官里克费伦(rickfearon)表示,要消解对欧元区政治风险的担忧,方法之一是将企业资金从欧元兑换为瑞士法郎。

    Rick Fearon , chief financial officer of Eaton , a US industrial group with global operations , says moving company money out of the euro and into the Swiss franc is one way to address fears about political risk in the eurozone .

  24. 银行业对外直接投资的政治风险及规避

    On the Political Risks of External Investment of Banks and Solutions

  25. 内塔尼亚胡曾同意在重大政治风险上暂时冻结。

    Netanyahu agreed to a temporary freeze at great political risk .

  26. 然而安抚地震受难者却没有任何政治风险。

    Comforting earthquake victims , however , presents few political risks .

  27. 这样做的政治风险不亚于经济风险。

    The political stakes are as high as the economic ones .

  28. 投资者的难题在于判断亚洲的政治风险。

    The dilemma for investors is judging political risks in Asia .

  29. 中国企业对非洲投资的政治风险管理

    Political Risk Management of the Investment in Africa from Chinese Enterprises

  30. 那么,企业应当如何应对这种不断加剧的政治风险?

    So how should business respond to this increase in political risk ?