
  • 网络Policy Analysis;policy wonk;CPB
  1. 可计算一般均衡模型(ComputableGeneralEquilibriumModel,CGE)已被证明是一个行之有效的定量化政策分析工具。

    Computable General Equilibrium Model ( CGE ), as a tool for quantitive policy analysis , has been proved to be considerably effective .

  2. 韩国高校ICT教育的发展现状及政策分析

    The Current Situation and Policy Analysis for the ICT Education in Universities in South Korea

  3. 全球3G市场管制政策分析

    Regulatory Policy of Global 3G Market

  4. 可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型与环境政策分析

    Computable General Equilibrium ( CGE ) Models and Environmental Policies Analysis

  5. 中国大陆引入QFⅡ的政策分析及前景预测

    The Policy Analysis and Perspective Forecast on Chinese Mainland 's QF ⅱ

  6. 本文介绍了在环境政策分析中应用CGE模型的基本思路和不同类型;

    This paper introduces the basic thinking and different types of CGE models in environmental policies analysis ;

  7. 小集团思维(Groupthink)是外交决策过程中的特殊现象,也是外交政策分析的特殊模式。

    Groupthink is a special phenomena in foreign policy decision-making , and also a model of foreign policy analysis .

  8. 我国西气东输产业化的政策分析

    Analysis of Industrial Policies on China 's West-East Gas Pipeline Project

  9. 中国竹产业发展现状及其政策分析

    Analysis on Status Quo and Policy of China 's Bamboo Industry

  10. 促进企业技术进步的税收优惠政策分析

    Analysis on Tax Preference Policy that Encourages Technical Progress of Enterprise

  11. 农业院校更名问题的公共政策分析

    The Public Policy Analysis of Changing the Name of Agricultural Universities

  12. 论我国现行户籍制度改革的公共政策分析

    Analyze on the Reform of China 's Existing Household Registration System

  13. 我国女大学生就业问题的政策分析

    A Probe to Employment of Female College Graduates and Policy Supports

  14. 高校科研组织再造及其政策分析

    Reconstruction of university science research organization and policy of supporting

  15. 公正视野下的严打政策分析

    An Analysis of " Yan Da " policy from the Justice Perspective

  16. 美国择校政策分析及其启示

    Policy Analysis of School Choice in America and Its Implications

  17. 基于技术标准的信息产业竞争政策分析

    Analysis of Competition Policy Of Information Industry Based On Standards

  18. 国际直接投资自由化的法律政策分析

    Analysis on Law and Policy of International Direct Investment Liberalization

  19. 本文第二部分为我国涉外税收优惠政策分析。

    This article second part for our country foreign tax preference policy analysis .

  20. 我国农村基础教育发展的财政投入政策分析

    China 's Financial Policy for Rural Basic Education : Difficulties and Policy Options

  21. 新中国农村职业教育政策分析

    Analysis of Rural Vocational Education Policy after PRC Established

  22. 持有型犯罪的刑事政策分析

    Analysis of the Criminal Policy Concerning the Possession Crimes

  23. 燃油税改革政策分析

    Policy Analysis on the Reform of the Fuel Tax

  24. 我国社区学院发展的政策分析

    The Analysis of Policies of Community College in China

  25. 论公共政策分析中的伦理问题

    On the Issue of Ethics in Public Policy Analysis

  26. 中国航天产业发展的国家政策分析。

    National Policy Analysis to China Aerospace Industry Development .

  27. 外债动态系统模拟及政策分析

    The Dynamic Simulation and Policy Analysis of Foreign Debt

  28. 台湾汽车工业结构及其产业政策分析

    The Industrial Structure of Taiwan Auto Industry and Analysis on its Industrial Policy

  29. 农民增收的公共政策分析

    Public policy analysis on the income growth of farmer

  30. 社会医疗改革:我国药品集中招标采购的公共政策分析

    Analysis on the Policy of Centralized Bidding for Medicine Purchase of in China