
xiào lǜ
  • efficiency;productiveness;productivity;workpiece ratio
效率 [xiào lǜ]
  • [efficiency] 单位时间完成的工作量

  • 提高工作效率五倍

效率[xiào lǜ]
  1. 它直接影响到矿山开采的速度、生产效率和经济效益。

    It directly influences speed , productiveness and benefit of mining .

  2. 成本与效率是其绩效的衡量标准。

    Cost and productiveness is the standard of measuring the management performance .

  3. 这份报告描绘了一幅办事效率低下和贪污腐化的可怕景象。

    The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption .

  4. 政府的效率比我们所惯常以为的要高。

    The government is more effective than we incline to think .

  5. 处理公司逐步缩减直至关闭的事宜效率很高。

    The wind-down of the company was handled very efficiently .

  6. 你该提高点效率了吧?

    Isn 't it time you started to get organized ?

  7. 新的管理技术旨在提高效率。

    The new management techniques aim to improve performance .

  8. 计算机在处理信息方面效率极高。

    Computers are very efficient at manipulating information .

  9. 我要为他们说句公道话,他们公司的效率的确很高。

    I 'll say this for them , they 're a very efficient company .

  10. 整个体系都效率低下并且腐败堕落。

    The whole system is inefficient and corrupt .

  11. 整个程序既浪费又效率低。

    The whole process is wasteful and inefficient .

  12. 他的工作效率很高。

    He 's proficient at his job .

  13. 去年夏天合并了部分业务的IBM公司明确表示需要继续进行精简,以提高效率。

    IBM , which consolidated some operations last summer , has made clear that it needs to continue to streamline them .

  14. 随着自动化程度和效率的不断提高,对管理人员的技能要求可能会大大降低。

    Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency .

  15. 定期给冰箱除霜,以便它能发挥其最高效率。

    Defrost the fridge regularly so that it works at maximum efficiency .

  16. 这种训练没有效率,而且是对稀缺资源的浪费。

    This kind of training is ineffective , and wasteful of scarce resources

  17. 这个活动开展的效率很高。

    This activity was carried on in a businesslike manner .

  18. 他们的通讯系统效率非常差。

    Their communication systems are inefficient in the extreme .

  19. 引进销售点电子系统提高了效率。

    Introduction of electronic point-of-sale systems is improving efficiency .

  20. 这些人做事效率很高,井井有条,并且十分善于管理时间。

    These people are very efficient , very organized and excellent time managers .

  21. 他们看来能很有效率地合作。

    They seemed able to work together very efficiently .

  22. 他知道行政机关办事效率低。

    He knows the wheels of administration turn slowly .

  23. 服务态度极佳,效率也蛮高,仅在一个小地方不尽人意。

    Service was outstandingly friendly and efficient , falling down on only one detail

  24. 福利制度非常不公平,效率也极低。

    The welfare system is grossly inequitable and inefficient .

  25. 非国有企业逐渐挤掉了效率低下的国有企业。

    Non-state firms gradually elbow aside the inefficient state-owned ones

  26. 东欧的经验表明,工人所有的工厂可能和国有工厂一样效率低下。

    Eastern Europe shows that worker-owned factories can be as inefficient as state-owned ones .

  27. 根据既定目标检验操作员的效率。

    Check the operator 's productivity against agreed targets

  28. 他批评政府在纠正过去的错误问题上效率低下,并且拖拖拉拉。

    He has criticised the government for inefficiency and delays in correcting past mistakes .

  29. 这些机构已经意识到需要改变他们的内部文化以提高效率、改进服务。

    The institutions have realised they need to change their culture to improve efficiency and service .

  30. 有很多方法能够提高世界贫困地区的农业效率。

    There are many ways to increase agricultural efficiency in the poorer areas of the world .