
  • 网络remedy
  1. 质疑程序独立于WTO争端解决机制之外,反映了和平友好解决经济争端和尽可能运用当地救济方式的国际法原则。

    Furthermore , the challenge procedure is independent of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and it is the reflection of the principle of international law , specifically , settlement of economic disputes through peaceful and friendly way and maximum utilization of local remedy .

  2. 民事救济方式主要为排除侵害和损害赔偿两种。

    Civil remedy way are mainly to eliminate violations and damages two kinds .

  3. 但是由于WTO的各成员国在过去很长的时间内都偏重于使用反倾销措施,因而保障措施这一救济方式并不为人们所熟悉。

    But for a long time that the WTO members put much attentions to the anti-dumpling and anti-subsidy measures , unfamiliar with the safeguard measures .

  4. 论PICC终止合同之救济方式

    On the System of Termination of the Contract in PICC

  5. 浅议交通事故认定的性质以及救济方式

    A Discussion of the Nature of Determining Traffic Accidents and Remedies

  6. 其次,完善民事救济方式和救济途径。

    Secondly , perfect civil relief way and relief way .

  7. 在本部分,笔者引入了征地补偿的民事救济方式。

    In this section , the land compensation to civil remedies is introduced .

  8. 新刑事被害人救济方式&恢复性司法初探

    A New Relief Fashion of Penal Victims-the Beginning Study

  9. 第三点完善司法救济方式,避免超期不当羁押。

    Third , perfect remedy to prevent extended detention .

  10. 行使单方解除权后的救济方式。

    Behavior and the right way of relief .

  11. 第三,救济方式缺乏有效性。

    Third , the lack of effective remedies .

  12. 应在行政裁决的范围、程序、救济方式等方面完善行政裁决制度。

    We should perfect it from its range , procedure , way of relief etc.

  13. 表现在刑事上诉程序中,也体现出不同的救济方式。

    Therefore , there should be different remedy manner in the criminal appeal procedures .

  14. 第三,救济方式的改革。

    Third , the remedies of the reform .

  15. 信用权侵害的民事救济方式。

    The sixth section is the method of the civil relief of the credit infringement .

  16. 商业秘密一经失去难以挽回,这决定了商业秘密的救济方式应以事前救济为主。

    This feature decides that the relief method of trade secrets should focus on pre-happening relief .

  17. 略论家庭暴力的救济方式

    Comment on Remedy of Family Violence

  18. 最后,阐述了现有法律框架下产权式酒店欺诈销售的法律救济方式。

    Finally , it expounds the legal remedies for the fraudulent sales of property type hotel .

  19. 具体到知识产权问题中,也是侵权案件原告诉求的主要救济方式。

    Specific to intellectual property issues in infringement cases is the main remedy the plaintiffs appeal .

  20. 对于违法诱惑侦查,法官在实务中确立了非法证据排除和中止程序两种法律救济方式。

    As to illegal entrapment , judges will hold exclusion of illegal evidence and staying procedure .

  21. 缺席审判的救济方式主要有异议救济、上诉救济和双重救济。

    Default judgment has three remedies , namely dissident remedy , appellate remedy and dual remedy .

  22. 由于新的侵权形式的产生,侵权的救济方式也会发生相应的变化。

    As a result of new Infringement forms , the way of relief infringement will change correspondingly .

  23. 实际履行制度是世界各国所采用的违约救济方式之一。

    The Specific Performance is one of the default remedies used by many countries in the world .

  24. 此外,针对股东提案权侵害的不同情况,适时地采取有效的权利救济方式。

    Moreover , the shareholder proposal right violations of different circumstances , timely take effective remedy way .

  25. 作为衡平法上的一种救济方式,禁令是英美法系所特有的制度。

    As an adequate remedy at law , injunction is a peculiar system in Anglo-American law system .

  26. 然后,本文讨论了软条款的救济方式以及目前软条款救济所面临的困难。

    Then , I discussed the remedy ways of soft clauses and the current difficulties faced by remedy .

  27. 此外,司法协调和解是行政侵权救济方式的重大创新。

    In addition , the judicial coordinating reconciliation is also a major innovation of the administrative tort remedies .

  28. 相比而言,由于大陆法系国家大多并没有将禁诉令纳入成文法中,也没有衡平法的救济方式。

    Comparatively , civil law countries have not established anti-suit injunction regime and even have no equitable remedies .

  29. 关于教育纠纷救济方式的几点反思

    Ways of Educational Relief

  30. 人格财产权完全适用财产权的一般保护方法和救济方式。

    Personal property is totally applied to general protection approaches and remedy means in line with the property right .