
  • 网络doctor of the church;doctor ecclesiae
  1. 教会博士极大地影响了基督会的思想直到中世纪。

    The Doctors of the Church greatly influenced Christian thought down to the late Middle Ages .

  2. 教会的博士们编出了整套的神学。

    The doctors of the church : they mapped out the whole theology of it .

  3. 全餐;全部的行头;整套的英国餐具;整套的瓷器;完全失败;全部的账目。教会的博士们编出了整套的神学。

    A complete meal ; a complete wardrobe ; a complete set pf the Britannica ; a complete set of china ; a complete defeat ; a complete accounting . The doctors of the church : they mapped out the whole theology of it .