
shǔ jiǔ
  • Count Nine;the nine periods following the winter solstice;the nine periods (of nine days each) following the winter solstice
数九 [shǔ jiǔ]
  • [the nine periods (of nine days each) following the winter solstice] 指冬至后开始的九个九天,是一年中最寒冷的时节,也指进入这个时节

  • 数九寒天

数九[shǔ jiǔ]
  1. 美国东海岸现在正是数九寒冬、风雪肆虐,对于温血动物而言这可真难熬。

    As a bitter winter storm rages on the east coast , its hard to knock being warm-blooded .

  2. 在中国,我们有指望九(“数九”)的习俗,就是从冬至计算天数,直到气候的变化。

    In China we have a custom of counting nine ( " Shu Jiu " ) , that is , from the Winter Solstice people calculated the number of days until a change of climate came about .