
shù jù jiǎn suǒ
  • data retrieval
  1. 以这种方式使用GET是显式的,因为GET仅用于数据检索。

    Using GET in this way is explicit because GET is for data retrieval only .

  2. 应用XML数据检索技术的WEB查询方案

    Application of XML Data Retrieval Technology to Query Scheme for WEB DB

  3. 基于XML的网页结构化管理和数据检索

    Structured Web Pages Management and Data Retrieving Based on Xml

  4. 用Javascript实现XML文档数据检索

    Fulfill Data Search of XML Document by Javascript

  5. Ajax允许在不干扰Web应用程序的显示和行为的情况下在后台进行数据检索。

    Ajax allows for data retrieval in the background without interfering with the display and behavior of the Web application .

  6. 为什么不结合使用这些工具和DataZero组件,并使用ApacheDerby构建一个真正的数据检索系统呢?

    Why not combine these tools with the Data Zero component and build a real data retrieval system using Apache Derby ?

  7. 用FLASHMX和ASP实现图书馆多媒体资源的交互式数据检索

    Achieving the Mutual Data Search of Multimedia Sources in Libraries by Flash MX and ASP

  8. 为探讨国际互联网在医学中的应用,本文介绍了Internet的功能,数据检索以及医学数据库网址。

    To inquire into the application of Internet in the medical field , it is expounded in this article that Internet function , the indexing databases and the domains .

  9. 有了该节点,即使没有专业的消息传递或SQL编程知识,也可以实现这种数据检索功能。

    Through this node such data retrieval capabilities can be achieved without the need for expert messaging or SQL programming knowledge .

  10. 介绍了利用FLASHMX和ASP之间的接口原理来实现图书馆多媒体资源的数据检索的方法。

    The communication principle of Flash MX and ASP is introduced to achieve the data search of multimedia sources in libraries .

  11. 为了正常运行,WebSphereESB上的功能必须从调用方接收指定了数据检索条件的信息。

    In order to work , the functions on WebSphere ESB must receive information from the caller specifying the criteria to retrieve data .

  12. 如果应用程序要处理非常大的XML文档,那么可以将LOB定位符用于数据检索。

    If your application deals with very large XML documents , it can be beneficial to use LOB locators for data retrieval .

  13. 本文介绍了一个支持快速数据检索的数据库机TDM系统。

    This paper introduces a relational database machine system TDM , which supports quick data retrieval .

  14. 在Struts应用程序中,您可以构建模型层,这样业务逻辑与数据检索逻辑重用就很容易了。

    In a Struts application , you can architect the Model layer so that the business and data retrieval logic are easy to reuse .

  15. 在WebSphereeXtremeScale解决方案的开发过程中有大量元素可用于处理数据检索、数据分布,以及需要考虑的其他方面的问题。

    There are a number of elements in the development of a WebSphere eXtreme Scale solution that deal with issues of data retrieval , data placement , and other aspects that also need to be considered .

  16. 分析并提出基于音频流的多媒体数据检索方法和关键技术,在此基础上提出软件实现的框架:自动从Web中引出各种包含音频流的多媒体数据并为其中的音频流建立索引;

    Retrieval method and technology of the multimedia data based on audio stream are analyzed and proposed . The frame of their software realization is proposed : derive multimedia data that contain audio stream from the Web and establish index for the audio stream ;

  17. 在程序开发过程中,应用Samba互连技术建立了Windows与Unix系统之间的通讯桥梁,实现了基于Web方式的地震数据检索及剖面显示。

    In program design process , the application of interconnect technology Samba set up a communication bridge between Windows and Unix systems , which realize seismic data query and the profiles show based on Web .

  18. 全新的虚拟列表控件与新UI框架配合工作,提供了原虚拟列表的所有相同功能,还增加了异步数据检索事务的使用。

    A new virtual list control works with the new UI framework and also offers all the same capability of the prior virtual list with the addition of using asynchronous data retrieval transactions .

  19. 上一次我使用了db4o的QBE引擎演示了数据检索,这里将快速回顾一下。

    I demonstrated data retrieval using db4o 's QBE engine last time , but I 'll quickly recap here .

  20. 吲哚生物碱的质谱数据检索系统

    A Computer System for Searching the Mass Spectra of Indole Alkaloids

  21. PC&1500机《公差与配合》数据检索

    Data Retrieval of " Tolerace and Fit " on PC-1500 Pocket Computer

  22. 重力数据库数据检索功能和使用方法

    Retrieval function and application method of the gravity data base

  23. 二分法在分类数据库文件数据检索中的应用

    The Application of Binary Method to Data Retrieval in Sort Database File

  24. 用于测试的应用程序是一个地震数据检索服务。

    The application used for testing is a seismic data retrieval service .

  25. 支持快速数据检索的数据库机系统的研究

    Research on a database machine system supporting quick data retrieval

  26. 一种新的地图数据检索方法及其应用软件

    A New Retrieval Method for Practical Map Data and Its Applied Software

  27. 组合样数据库的组织及数据检索方法

    Organization and retrieval methods of data set for combination samples

  28. 基于语义模型的企业数据检索

    Semantic Search of Enterprise Data Based on Semantic Model

  29. 基于应用本体的多卫星遥感数据检索

    Multi-satellites Remote Sensing Data Retrieval Based on Application Ontology

  30. 音频数据检索技术的研究

    Research on Search and Retrieval Technology of Audio Data