
  1. 我国涉外民商事司法文书送达难的成因及解决路径

    Reasons and Solutions of Difficulties of Service Abroad of Judicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Matters

  2. 司法文书送达程序是诉讼程序的重要组成部分,送达的有效性直接影响案件的效力和效率。

    Service of legal documents is an essential part of judicial procedure and its effectiveness directly affect the force and efficiency of the case .

  3. 有关法律文件和政府文书送达联络机构之后的合理时间内,即表明该公司已收到该类文件或文书。

    Within a reasonable time limit after the relevant legal documents and governmental documents are served to the contact office , the company shall be regarded to have received the documents .

  4. 通过一起行政复议案件,分析了监测数据和法律文书送达的有效性,对证据在环境执法中的重要性以及如何提高证据的有效性进行了讨论。

    The paper analyses effectiveness of monitoring data and legal document for service with an administrative reconsideration case as example , and discusses the importance of evidence in environmental law enforcement and how to improve effectiveness of evidence .

  5. 定期宣判的,宣判后立即发给判决书。我国涉外民商事司法文书送达难的成因及解决路径

    Where a judgment is pronounced on a fixed date , a copy of the written judgment shall be issued immediately after the pronouncement . Reasons and Solutions of Difficulties of Service Abroad of Judicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Matters

  6. 经营场所,是保险代理人和保险经纪人办理保险业务,与保险人、投保人、被保险人进行业务联系的固定场所,也是各种法律文书送达的场所。

    Management place , it is insurance agent and insurance broker conduction insurance business , have the fixed place of business connection with underwriter , policy-holder , insurant , also be the place of service of all sorts of legal copy clerk .

  7. 从协助的内容、适用的条件和程序等角度,可以将其归纳为六大类:文书送达、信息通报、调查取证、引渡、刑事事件的诉讼转移、外国刑事判决的承认和执行。

    From the angle of content , applicable conditions and procedures , such assistance may be classified into six major categories , service of documents , reporting of information , investigation of evidence , extradition , transfer of criminal proceedings , and recognition and execution of foreign rulings .

  8. 第七十七条送达诉讼文书必须有送达回证,由受送达人在送达回证上记明收到日期,签名或者盖章。

    Article 77 A receipt shall be required for every litigation document that is served and it shall bear the date of receipt noted by the signature or seal of the person on whom the document was served .

  9. 首先,本章从在线仲裁的特殊性着手,探讨了在线仲裁的文书制作与送达的相关问题,对于依照电子方式制作和送达仲裁文书问题进行了研究。

    First , from the particularities of the online arbitration , it talks about the corresponding issues of the making and service of the arbitration documents .