
wén huà qīn lüè
  • cultural aggression;cultural penetration
  1. 在对G.抗战期间日本对华文化侵略述论

    Based on the analysis of G. A Review of Japan 's Cultural Aggression against China during Anti-Japanese War

  2. 文化侵略是日本帝国主义对华侵略的重要组成部分。

    Cultural aggression is an important part of aggression of Japanese imperialism against China .

  3. 在现代文化侵略很普遍。

    Cultural invasion is very common in modem time .

  4. 从淡化洋节说开去&也谈文化侵略

    On Playing down Foreign Festivals and Culture Invasion

  5. 宗教作为日本对华文化侵略的重要一翼,也沦为了文化侵略的武器。

    Besides , religion also played an importance part in the Japanese cultural invasion .

  6. 日本对中国的侵略包括经济侵略、军事侵略和文化侵略。

    The Japanese invasion of China consists of economic invasion , military invasion and cultural invasion .

  7. 文化侵略可以被定义为一个国家对它国通过文化改造而达到的征服性行为。

    The cultural invasion can be defined as a country 's conquering another one through cultural transformation .

  8. 一些法国人相信,美国对法国的任何文化侵略都不会成功。

    Some French people believed that any American cultural invasion of their nation would not be successful .

  9. 日本帝国主义对内蒙古的文化侵略活动(1931年-1945年)

    The Japanese Imperialist 's Invading Inner Mongolian in Terms of Culture ( from 1931 to 1945 );

  10. 在这部小说中,塔西勇于反抗外来殖民者的文化侵略、反抗部落中残忍的女性割礼仪式。

    In this novel , Tashi bravely protests against the colonial invasion and the cruel female mutilation .

  11. 从神社看日本帝国主义对内蒙古地区的文化侵略

    A Look at the Cultural Invasion of Japanese Imperialism and " Divine Societies " in Inner Mongolia

  12. 文化侵略与文化帝国主义:美国传教士在华活动两种评价范式辨析

    Cultural Aggression and Cultural Imperialism : Two Paradigms for Assessment of Activities of American Missionaries in China

  13. “文化侵略”是与经济、政治侵略相平行的一种侵略方式。

    Cultural aggression is an aggressive way that is parallel with the economic aggression and the political aggression .

  14. 在侵华战争中,日本帝国主义利用神社对中国进行文化侵略。

    During World War II , Japanese Imperialists invaded Chinese culture with the creation of " Divine Societies " .

  15. 这些现象是日本推行殖民统治的必然结果,属于文化侵略活动。

    These phenomena are the inevitable result of Japan carrying out the colonial rule , these belong to cultural aggression .

  16. 瞿秋白对帝国主义文化侵略中国的揭露网络化语境中的帝国霸权

    Qu Qiu bai 's Exposure of Imperialist Cultural Invasion of China The Imperialist Hegemony Exposed in the Context of Cyberspace

  17. 文化侵略与文化守卫&论19世纪后半期儒家反洋教的意义及其教训

    Cultural Aggression and Cultural Defence & On the value and of Confucians ' resisting foreign religions in late 19th century

  18. 西方国家在对广西城市进行经济掠夺的同时,也对加大了文化侵略。

    Western nation at the time of carrying on economic depredation to city in Guangxi , also to enlargement the culture invade .

  19. 作为日本对华文化侵略的媒介,《中和》月刊注定要永远钉在历史的耻辱柱上。

    As the medium of Japanese cultural invasion , Zhong He Monthly is doomed to always nail in the history of shame .

  20. 一些人可能会把上海的第六个迪斯尼乐园视之为文化侵略或更严重地说,文化粉碎机。

    Some people may regard the sixth Disney theme park in Shanghai as the cultural invasion or to be more serious , cultural crusher .

  21. 莫里森认为,因为白人的文化侵略,非裔民族丧失了民族传统的审美观,进而造成了厌恶自身的扭曲心灵。

    Morrison indicates that the erosion of white culture robs African Americans ' traditional aesthetics , which leads to the sprit distortion of self-loathing .

  22. 虽然西方传教士来华的目的是宗教征服,但是他们同时也传播西学、兴办报刊,对近代中国社会的积极影响不可忽视,并不能简单地将其归为文化侵略。

    Although the aim of western missionaries is to conquer by religion , they also disseminate western culture , which has positive affect to China .

  23. 日本强制推行日本语教育的做法,带有浓厚的奴化色彩,为侵略战争和殖民统治服务,属于文化侵略活动。

    The coercive enforcement of Japanese education was a kind of enslavement education and served the Japanese invasion war and colonial rule , and therefore , it is in nature cultural invasion .

  24. 其中文化侵略是一场没有硝烟的战争,它的威力不亚于核武器对敌对国人民的伤害。

    Of the three invasions , cultural invasion is a war with no smoke of gunpowder , whose potential damage to the invaded country is more than the damage made by nuclear weapons .

  25. 美国的迪斯尼卡通如今已成为美国文化侵略其他国家的一股重要力量,另外美国独有的英雄漫画也是现代动漫的代表;

    Nowadays , Disney Cartoon in American plays an important role in America 's invasion upon other countries , and Hero Cartoon exclusive in America is the representative of modern comic Japan deserves the title of country of cartoon .

  26. 当今越来越多的人在谈论文化侵略、文化帝国主义,有的人甚至因为年轻人对洋节的过于热情而担心中国传统文化的丢失。

    Nowadays more and more people are talking about culture invasion , cultural imperialism , and some are even worried that China is facing the danger of losing its traditional culture just because some young people show too much enthusiasm for foreign festivals .

  27. 再者,文化侵略、文化霸权愈演愈烈,全球一体化理念深入人心,许多文化面临消失或已经消失,而唯一拯救的办法就是影像纪录,因此,西部纪录片担任着义不容辞的责任。

    Moreover , cultural aggression and cultural hegemony increasingly fierce , the global integration concept pervasive , many cultural extinction or have disappeared , and the only way to salvation , therefore , that influence the western documentary record as the obligatory responsibility .

  28. 论近代日本对华文化教育侵略

    Discussion on Modern Japanese Aggression Against Chinese Culture and Education

  29. 近代西安的建筑风格不可避免的遭受到西方建筑文化的侵略,中西合璧成为西安近代建筑装饰风格的整体特征。

    Xi ' an modern architectural style suffers the inevitable invasion of Western architectural culture . Chinese and Western style is the mail characteristic of Xi ' an Modern architecture .

  30. 同时来自于西方文化的侵略也正威胁着中国民族文化建设和文化经济的平稳发展。

    At the same time , the menace that entails the spread and prevalence of Western culture threatens the construction and stable development of national cultural foundations and cultural economy .