
  1. 是终结,还是&简论文学的前途

    Being the End or Others & Discussing Literary Future Briefly

  2. 采用比较中分析、归纳、发现问题的方法,指出了中国当代文学的前途在于:强化作家的精神主体力量,同化西方文化;

    Through analyzing , inducing and finding problems , he points out that the future of modern Chinese literature , is to strengthen the spiritual prop of the writers and assimilate the western culture .

  3. 他意外地发现,“一开始,那本书有点令人失望。我的感觉跟借给我录影带的那位朋友一样。借录影带时我问他小说和电影哪个更好,他回答说,‘它让你开始担心文学的前途。’”

    He was surprised to find that " the book proved somewhat disappointing at first . As the friend who lent me the tapes rightly put it when I asked him how the book compared with the film , ' It makes you fear for literature . "