
  • 网络civilization
  1. 人类经数千年才文明开化。

    The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years to develop .

  2. 人类经数千年才文明开化。

    The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years .

  3. 文明开化是日本近代化的纲领性口号。

    Abstract " Civilization " is a principal slogan of modernization in Japan .

  4. 日本文明开化思想探源

    Origin of the Thought of Civilization in Japan

  5. 现在,日本想成为一个文明开化的国家。

    Now , japan 's got it in mind to become a civilized country .

  6. 翻译教育使人类文明开化。

    It is the education that civilizes people .

  7. 可见知识与科技是人类进步与文明开化不竭动力。

    Therefore , visible knowledge and technology is an inexhaustible motive force of the civilization of human progress .

  8. 明治的文明开化不但在日本社会的生活文化各个方面引起变革,也给人们的意识观念带来巨大的变化。

    Meiji civilization not only revolutionized Japanese culture in every aspect , but also greatly changed people 's consciousness .

  9. 中国丧失了与西方大国的平等地位,变成了一个黄色人种和半文明开化的民族。

    China has lost with the equal standing , turned a yellow race and the ajar definite orders nationality .

  10. 古文献多把黄帝、炎帝作为华夏文明开化的肇始,海内外华人也多以黄、炎二帝为祖。

    Generally speaking , the Emperor Huang and the Emperor Yan are taken as Founder of the ancient Chinese civilization .

  11. 分析了福泽瑜吉在提倡文明开化过程中其教育理念和文明思想形成的原因。

    Then it analyzes how his educational theory and civil ideas formed in the process of his advocating " civilization " .

  12. 从狭义上说,文明开化包括学习西方的教育制度、科学技术、及生活习俗等诸方面内容。

    Becoming civilized policy in narrow sense , comprising content on how to learn western educational system , science techniques and customs etc.

  13. 在上世纪初,衡量一个国家文明开化程度之一就是看居民消费肥皂的数量。

    At the beginning of this century the order of civilization of a nation was being measured by the per capita consumption of soap in the nation .

  14. “文明开化”政策是日本明治维新时期推行的三大基本国策之一,是日本从传统社会向近代社会转型的重要内容。

    During " Minzi " period ," becoming civilized " policy was one of the three basic national policies transforming Japan from the traditional society toward the modem society .

  15. 明治维新伊始,日本朝野即掀起了大力学习西方先进文化以改造本国封建传统习俗的社会改革活动,即文明开化运动。

    In the beginning of MeiJi reform , the whole Japan popularized a movement of studying western culture to reform its traditional feudal social customs known as civilizing movement .

  16. 但金融危机似乎证实了法国人对市场野蛮性的所有最为根深蒂固的偏见,同时也证实了这个国家确有必要发挥其文明开化的影响力。

    But the financial crisis seems to have confirmed all the most deeply rooted French prejudices about the savagery of markets , and the need for the civilising influence of the state .

  17. 21世纪到来前夜,随着全球化浪潮的日趋强劲,世界电影却日渐呈现出一种在电影文化和审美上的多极均势和文明开化的新格局。

    At the eve of 21 century , with the tide of globalization getting ever higher and stronger , there emerged a new world film trend in terms of film culture and aesthetics .

  18. 另一方面,明治维新以后,明治政府大力推行“文明开化”,从政治制度到文化、生活习惯全面模仿西方,民间以福泽谕吉为代表的指导者积极倡导西方式的教育。

    At that time , Meiji government promoted " civilization ", imitating the west in politics , culture and daily life , and some educators , represented by Fukuzawayukiti , advocated the western education .

  19. 这一时期,日本制定了全面学习欧美教育的文明开化学习方针,开始全面移植欧美教育,并在移植的基础上,模仿欧美教育建立了日本最初的近代教育体制。

    During this period , they formulate the policy of learn - ing the western education in all-round way . They completely transplant the western education and on this basis Japanese imitate them to establish their first education system .

  20. 推进其教育和文明开化,以最终实现其公民地位,对各领地内流行的破坏家庭关系和有悖文明世界道德观念的一夫多妻制,应加以扼制。

    and their education and civilization promoted with a view to their ultimate citizenship , and that polygamy in the Territories , destructive of the family relation and offensive to the moral sense of the civilized world , shall be repressed .

  21. 他批判明治初年的所谓文明开化,揭露明治时代黑暗的教育制度,把锋芒直指混合着封建主义和资本主义双重血液的明治社会。

    When he appeared for the first time on the literary stage , he criticized so-called " civilization " in the earlier times of MingZhi and exposed the nasty education system in this period and criticized directly the present society with feudalism and capitalism .

  22. 明治政府为实现富国强兵、殖产兴业、文明开化的发展战略,确立了普及农村初等教育的制度,并着重颁布了以《学制》为主的一系列法律、法规。

    The Meiji government for the realization of " Fuguoqiangbing , colonization and industry , civilized " development strategy , established the popularity of rural primary education system and focus on the promulgation of a series of laws and regulations based on " academic structure " .

  23. 文明富国间交易的价值,总会比文明富国与未开化人和野蛮人交易的价值大得多。

    But rich and civilized nations can always exchange to a much greater value with one another , than with savages and barbarians .

  24. 阅读作为文明的一种反馈方式,已经成为衡量一个国家和民族文明开化程度的重要标志。

    As the reflection of civilization , reading has become an important symbol to measure the state and national civilized levels .