
wén xiàn xué
  • philology;paleography
  1. 护士的心理健康:基于《中华护理杂志》的文献学分析

    Psychological health of nurses : philology analysis of Chinese Journal Nursing

  2. 试论中国文献学学科体系的改革

    On the Reform of the Discipline System of Chinese Philology

  3. 你可以利用你的文献学知识。

    You can make capital of your knowledge of bibliography .

  4. 通过本研究,旨在奠定治疗DC的中医文献学基础,探讨DC的病因病机及方药证治规律,为防治DC的临床用药提供依据。

    This research aims to lay the foundation of Chinese medical literature , explore the etiology and pathogenesis of DC and the law of differentiation therapies and prescriptions and provide the basis for clinical medicine in the prevention and treatment of DC .

  5. 论古典文献学与现代文献学的交融

    On the Blending of the Classical Documentation and the Modern Documentation

  6. 注释包括语文学和文献学两个方面。

    The note includes language and document two sides of study .

  7. 论《太平寰宇记》的文献学价值与地位

    On Philological Value and Status of Tai Ping Huan Yu Ji

  8. 古文献学及其意义与展望

    Study of Ancient Classic & Archive , Its Significance and Prospect

  9. 辨章学术、考镜源流&中国营造学社的文献学贡献

    The Philology Contribution of the Society for Research in Chinese Architecture

  10. 孔子在中国古典文献学史上的地位和作用

    The Role of Confucius in the History of Ancient Chinese Documentation

  11. 论文的第一章论述《中国新文学大系》的文献学价值。

    The first chapter of the thesis is on philological value .

  12. 道教文献学构建之我见

    My Suggestions on Building the Science of Taoism Documentation Study

  13. 顾实学术方法及其在文献学上的成就

    Academic Methods of Study and the Documents Achievement of Gu'shi

  14. 论元代道教史籍及其文献学价值

    On the Taoism History Documents in Yuan Dynasty and Their Philological Value

  15. 论古典文献学的结构模式及其意义

    The Comment on Structural Mode and Meaning of Classical Philology

  16. 古籍版本学;古典文献学;晋代。

    Study of ancient books edition ; Ancient philology ; Jin Dynasty .

  17. 这些都对古代文献学的发展产生了巨大的影响。

    All of the ancient document of development have a great impact .

  18. 为什么会这样呢?本文作者采用文献学的方法进行了研究。

    Why this thusness ? The writer uses philological method .

  19. 辨伪学也是其文献学概念所包涵的具体内容。

    Distinguishing Pseudoscience also was part of his literature philology .

  20. 叶德辉及其历史文献学研究

    Ye De Hui and the Study of His Historical Documents

  21. 构建书法文献学刍议

    Initial Comment on Establishing the Study of Calligraphy Documents

  22. 现代文献学的发展轨迹

    On the Development History of Chinese Modern Documentation Studies

  23. 《中国文献学》一书内容丰富,结构合理。

    Chinese Bibliography has abundant contents and appropriate structure .

  24. 新时期中国文献学研究综述(1978-2005)

    An Overview of Chinese Bibliography Researches in the New Period ( 1978-2005 );

  25. 中国历史文献学人才培养刍议

    Personnel Training for the Study of Chinese Historical Documents

  26. 刘向校书与古文献学框架的建构

    Liu Xiang and the establishment of Classical Documentation Science

  27. 2005年文献学研究述略

    A Summary of Chinese Philology Research in 2005

  28. 中国古典文学的研究呈现出向传统文献学回归的迹象。

    This symbolizes the return of Chinese classical literary studies to the traditional philology .

  29. 中国文献学学科体系刍议

    Discussion on the Subject System of Chinese Bibliography

  30. 关于文献学课程教学改革的几点思考

    Reflections on the Teaching Reform of Philology Curriculum