
  • 网络Singapore Exchange;SGX;SIMEX;SGX-DT
  1. 新加坡交易所展开这一法律行动本身值得欢迎。

    The fact that SGX initiated the action is to be welcomed .

  2. 由于新加坡交易所位于亚洲,因此它在与aim争夺亚洲企业上市方面,可能会具有一定的优势。

    The SGX could have an advantage over aim in competing for Asian listings since it is based in the region .

  3. 已经上市的新加坡交易所(singaporeexchange)的高管一直在巡游世界,宣讲其理念。

    Officials from the listed Singapore Exchange are forever zipping round the world to spread the gospel .

  4. 按照计划,鹏瑞利中国零售信托将于5月的第二周开始在新加坡交易所(singaporeexchange)挂牌交易。

    However , the target is for the units to start trading on the Singapore Exchange in the second week of May .

  5. ICE决定在今年5月推出其新加坡交易所,首批交易的期货合约是布伦特原油和黄金。

    ICE is set to launch its Singapore exchange in May , starting with futures on Brent crude oil and on gold .

  6. 新加坡交易所(SingaporeExchange)已经推出了美元计价利率掉期的清算业务,它预期美国和欧洲的银行会希望在亚洲清算此类工具。

    The Singapore Exchange has launched clearing of US dollar-denominated interest rate swaps , anticipating that US and European banks will want to clear such instruments in Asia .

  7. 新加坡交易所(singaporeexchange)已预见到人民币在该国的使用范围将会扩大,并表示已做好了人民币计价证券的上市、交易、清算和结算的准备。

    The Singapore Exchange , anticipating wider use of the Chinese currency in the city-state , has said it stands ready to list , trade , clear and settle securities denominated in Renminbi .

  8. 新加坡交易所(singaporeexchange)的数据显示,澳大利亚基准铁矿石(含铁量62%)的价格昨日飙升至每吨128.2美元,接近一年半以来的高点。

    The cost of the Australian benchmark iron ore with 62 per cent iron content yesterday surged to $ 128.2 a tonne , nearing a 1-year high , say data from the Singapore Exchange .

  9. 据新加坡交易所(SingaporeExchange)数据,昨日,基准的澳大利亚铁矿石(铁含量为62%)价格涨至每吨124.80美元,为2008年9月以来的最高水平。

    The cost of the benchmark Australian ore 62 per cent iron content rose yesterday to $ 124.80 a tonne , including freight , according to swaps data from the Singapore Exchange . It is the highest level since September 2008 .

  10. 东盟之星将由马来西亚股票交易所(bursamalaysia)、泰国证交所和新加坡交易所(sgx)的最优异的30支股票组成。

    Investors will sit through presentations selling the " ASEAN stars " , made up of the top 30 stocks on Bursa Malaysia , and the Thai and Singaporean exchanges .

  11. 去年,东京证交所与大阪证交所的合并净收益与新加坡交易所(SGX)相仿;合并股市市值将与伦敦证交所(LSE)比肩。

    Last year the combined net income of TSE and OSE was similar to SGX of Singapore ; its equity market capitalisation would be on a par with the London Stock Exchange group .

  12. 在伦敦证交所(lse)和新加坡交易所(sgx)等竞争对手的合并计划遭到保护主义情绪抵制、在监管部门遇阻之际,cme集团致力于有机地扩张业务。

    While mergers proposed by rival exchanges such as the London Stock Exchange and SGX , the Singapore Exchange , run into protectionist sentiment and regulatory hurdles , CME has focused on expanding its business organically .

  13. 过去6个月里,新加坡交易所龙筹股(S-chips,即在该交易所上市的中国企业股票)成交量同比下降近五分之二,非龙筹股成交量的降幅则仅略高于五分之一。

    In the past six months , the volume of Chinese shares traded on SGX ( S-chips ) has fallen by nearly two-fifths year on year ; that of non-Chinese shares fell by just over one-fifth .

  14. 而去年十月份,新加坡交易所与澳大利亚交易所合并。

    And the Singapore Exchange offered in October to merge with Australia 's exchange .

  15. 738家在新加坡交易所上市的企业中,近40%是外资企业。

    Nearly 40 per cent of the 738 companies listed on the SGX are foreign .

  16. 那些原本希望东京证交所与新加坡交易所的交易会引发其它股权投资的人仍对目前情况感到失望。

    Those who hoped that the TSE / SGX deal would spark other equity investments have remained disappointed .

  17. 此外,通过率先发行基于外国市场的期货产品,新加坡交易所努力保住了重要的市场份额。

    Moreover , through the early launching of futures based on foreign markets , SGX has managed to retain substantial share .

  18. 其中有很多中国大陆企业,不过新加坡交易所没能获得规模最大、争夺最激烈的中国上市项目。

    Many are mainland Chinese companies , although SGX has not managed to secure the biggest and most sought-after Chinese listings .

  19. 新加坡交易所表示,最终的目标是把东盟打造成“可投资的资产类别”。

    This would ultimately allow for the creation of ASEAN " as an investable asset class " , according to the Singapore Exchange .

  20. 新加坡交易所一直在开发自己的网络辅导课程,以帮助投资者增进对衍生品的了解。

    The Singapore Exchange has been developing a web-based tutorial of its own to help investors in that country improve their grasp of derivatives .

  21. 伦敦证券交易所正对多伦多证券交易所进行收购,而新加坡交易所正试图收购澳大利亚证券交易所。

    The London Stock Exchange is moving to acquire the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Singapore Exchange is moving to acquire the Australian Securities Exchange .

  22. 安永表示,今年有55家内地私人企业在美国和新加坡交易所上市,筹资80亿美元。

    E & Y said 55 private mainland companies listed on exchanges in the US and Singapore this year , raising a combined $ 8bn .

  23. 新加坡交易所的上市公司有40%不是本地公司,外国公司所占比例远高于其他亚洲交易所。

    About 40 per cent of companies listed on his exchange are non-Singaporean , a foreign presence that is far higher than that of Asian rivals .

  24. 根据在新加坡交易所结算的掉期合约,澳大利亚基准铁矿石(铁含量为62%)价格昨日飙升至每吨133.1美元。

    Australian benchmark iron ore 62 per cent iron content surged yesterday to $ 133.1 a tonne , according to swaps cleared at the Singapore Exchange .

  25. 徐福记是在新加坡交易所上市的,该交易所的声誉略差,另外,徐福记历史上屡遭卫生与食品安全部门的调查。

    Hsu Fu Chi is listed in Singapore regarded as a less prestigious exchange and the company also has a history of run-ins with health and safety authorities .

  26. 两家集团计划联手开发证券和利率产品,尽管分析人士表示,吸引东京证交所的主要因素是新加坡交易所在期货和清算服务领域的专长。

    The groups plan to develop joint equity and interest-rate products , although analysts said the main lure for the TSE was SGX 's expertise in futures and clearing services .

  27. 在这一有争议的合同于今年4月曝光后,批评人士指出,对谢福华而言,这种关系代表着一种潜在的利益冲突,因为中国企业是新加坡交易所业务增长的一个主要来源。

    When the controversy came to light in April , critics said that the relationship represented a potential conflict of interest for Mr Hsieh since Chinese companies were a main source of business growth for the SGX .

  28. 上周,在香港和新加坡交易所,保诚股票平均每天的交易量不到4万股,而在伦敦上市股票的每日交易量超过1200万。

    Fewer than 40,000 of the Pru 's shares changed hands , on average , each day last week on the Hong Kong and Singapore stock exchanges , compared with a daily trading volume above 12m in London .

  29. ICE原计划在2013年收购的新加坡商品交易所(SingaporeMercantileExchange)的基础上于本月推出其新加坡交易所。

    ICE had planned to launch its Singapore exchange , based on the Singapore Mercantile Exchange which it bought in 2013 , this month .

  30. CVC本打算通过在新加坡证券交易所为F1首次公开募股的方式减持股份。

    CVC had hoped to reduce its stake with an initial public offering ( IPO ) of Formula One on the Singapore stock exchange .