
  • 网络New Landmark;KK Mall
  1. 首钢园位于北京市石景山区,曾经是一处空置的工业园区,如今是北京市的一个城市新地标。

    Apart from the traditional venue , once a vacated industrial site in Shijingshan district , Beijing .

  2. MBL诚邀葡萄酒爱好者和葡萄酒鉴赏家到马伯乐新地标-新蒲岗葡萄酒中心免费品尝美酒;

    MBL invites you , all wine lovers and wine connoisseurs , to join the event of free tasting merit wine and viewing of the new cellar exhibit .

  3. 让今年的万圣节变得与众不同!北京夜生活新地标&位于北京柏悦酒店内的XIU是你度过万圣夜的不二之选,给你带来独具格调的惊悚体验和第一流的刺激表演!

    This year , come and celebrate Halloween in style at Beijing 's coolest new venue , XIU at Park Hyatt , for a night of spooky class and premium scary entertainment !

  4. 循环经济之新地标&杭州能源与环境产业基地设计

    New Landmark of Recycling Economy the Hangzhou Energy Environment Industry Base

  5. 新城中心区将成为杭州东部新地标。

    New Town Zone will become new landmark of east of Hangzhou .

  6. 武汉市的新地标&武汉国际证券大厦

    New Landmark of Wuhan & Wuhan International Stock Mansion

  7. 东方明珠广播电视塔上海东方明珠广播电视塔是上海旅游新地标。

    Orient Pearl Broadcasting and Television TowerIt is one of the city 's tourist landmarks .

  8. 如果要问同乐坊的时尚新地标在哪里?

    If you would like to ask the same fashion Lok Square , where the landmark ?

  9. 外滩,时尚的新地标

    The new fashion mark the Bund

  10. 利顺德大饭店会成为旅行者探索独特而原汁原味的天津的一个新地标。

    The hotel , once open , will be an interesting landmark for travelers exploring a unIQue and indigenous Tianjin .

  11. 该桥设计长度22.5公里,由中国交通集团港湾公司设计和建造,完工后将成为马来西亚的新地标和东南亚最长的跨海大桥。

    After the completion , it shall be a new landmark of Malaysia and the longest cross-sea bridge in South East Asia .

  12. 在警方对原方案的安全性提出质疑后,纽约州官员们公布了修改后的自由塔设计方案,它将取代世贸中心成为纽约的新地标。

    New York officials have unveiled a revised design for the skyscraper that will replace the World Trade Center , following fears over security .

  13. 作为上海甲级商业中心的新地标,让各进驻的国际著名企业,独贵尊崇,形象显赫。

    As the new landmark of the Class-A commercial centre in Shanghai , K.Wah Centre highlights the veneration and eminence of the world elites .

  14. 她还对承建大桥项目的三个公司表示感谢,同时感谢美国曾经提出帮助建设这座新地标。

    She also thanked the three companies that worked on the reconstruction project , and the United States for its offers to help rebuild the landmark .

  15. 这个设计将作为武汉迈入一线城市的标志,成为武汉地区的新地标。

    This design will be a new landmark for the city of Wuhan , also marking the city 's stepping into the league of first tier cities .

  16. 注:文本转自UNSV美国最著名的纽约曼哈顿大厦中有了一个新的地标建筑,即Gehry的“纽约”。

    American 's most famous skyline has a new architecture icon , New York by Gehry .

  17. 提出一种新的地标定位方法。

    A new approach to landmark navigation is presented .

  18. 我们创造了种动态建筑,让一个新的地标建筑屹立在郝尔辛基的特殊地段。

    We have created a dynamic architecture , which gives Helsingborg a new landmark on this unique and special site .

  19. 如今,壮观的大桥横跨韩江。而在北城,新的地标建筑D-City正拔地而起。

    Spectacular bridges now span the river , and in the north of the city , the landmark new D-City is rising from the flatlands .

  20. 用于观测导航的新方法&地标图象的计算机识别

    A Novel Method for Observation Navigation & The Recognition of Ground Target Images by Computers

  21. 是沃顿商学院(Wharton)奢华的旧金山新校区所在的地标性建筑,每间教室里最新的互动教学设施,学校教员无微不至的服务,免费的iPad,无所不包的Meridian酒店服务,还是酒店和半英里外校区之间的汽车接送服务?

    Is it Wharton San Francisco 's lavish new campus in a landmark building , or the latest interactive technologies in each classroom ? The concierge-style service they receive from school staff , the free iPads , the all-inclusive accommodation at the Meridian Hotel or the chauffeur service that drives them the half-mile there ?

  22. 比如在博物馆里提供导游服务,或是在一座新城市里标出地标建筑等。

    That could include things like providing a tour of a museum or describing landmarks in a new city .

  23. 然而开先河者是柏林国际机场,这是由艾尔伯特斯皮尔在1930年代为了空中旅行设计的作为通向新欧洲大门的地标性建筑。

    Yet its real precedent is Tempelhof Airport in Berlin , a monument to air travel conceived by Albert Speer in the1930s as a gateway to a new Europe .

  24. 他畅想道:“根据你所在的地方,所处的环境,”未来的耳就机能够预估用户的需求,提供相应的服务。比如在博物馆里提供导游服务,或是在一座新城市里标出地标建筑等。

    He envisions headphones able to anticipate and provide for a user 's needs " based on where you are , based on the current context of your situation . We call it augmented hearing . " That could include things like providing a tour of a museum or describing landmarks in a new city .

  25. 在从前都是一片老厂房,现今,颠末新的修整改革,竟然成了又一上海新时尚地标。

    In the past is an old factory building , today , after finishing a new transformation , this has become another Shanghai New fashion landmark .