
  • 网络New Orleans Pelicans
  1. 隆指导,外号拉简·隆多,现执教于新奥尔良鹈鹕队。

    Coach Ron , nicknamed la Jane Rondo , now teaches for the new Orleans Pelicans .

  2. 德马库斯-考辛斯断裂的跟腱对他的未来以及新奥尔良鹈鹕队的未来将会有怎样的影响?

    What will DeMarcus Cousins ' torn Achilles tendon mean to his future and that of the New Orleans Pelicans ?

  3. 上周一,布朗与火箭队和新奥尔良鹈鹕队两支球队的数名球员到北京慕田峪长城游览,

    Brown was with several players from the Houston Rockets and New Orleans Pelicans visiting the Mutianyu section of the wall in Beijing last Monday .

  4. 上赛季季后赛第一轮被新奥尔良鹈鹕队横扫的阴影依旧困扰着开拓者队。

    The embarrassing sweep suffered at the hands of the New Orleans Pelicans in the first round of last season 's playoffs still hangs over the Blazers .

  5. 在周六战胜开拓者队之后,新奥尔良鹈鹕队赢得了他们队史上首个系列赛的横扫,这也是他们近十年首次系列赛赢球。

    The New Orleans Pelicans earned their first series sweep in franchise history - and their first series win in a decade - after knocking off the Portland Trail Blazers on Saturday .

  6. 戴维斯2020年才成为自由球员,而一些球队已经开始酝酿戴维斯如果选择续约新奥尔良鹈鹕队后的交易方案。

    Davis isn 't a free agent until 2020 , but some teams already are mulling trade packages if Davis passes on an extension the New Orleans Pelicans can offer him next summer .

  7. 德马库斯-考辛斯,一位令人捉摸不透而又才华横溢的中锋,加盟了新奥尔良鹈鹕队,他将和肯塔基的师弟安东尼-戴维斯一起,组成联盟中最具攻击力的内线组合。

    DeMarcus Cousins , the mercurial , immensely-talented center , is headed to New Orleans , where he will team up with fellow Wildcat Anthony Davis in what is now the most offensively gifted five-four combination in the league .

  8. 格里芬,如今是新奥尔良鹈鹕队新任篮球运营副总裁,他对《体育画报》的杰克·费舍尔说,他对试图围绕这位超级巨星打造球队感到痛苦,而且他明白骑士队赢得2016年冠军后他就会离开。

    Griffin , the New Orleans Pelicans ' new vice presidentof basketball operations , told Sports Illustrated 's Jake Fischer he was " miserable " trying to build around the superstar and knew he would leave after the Cavs won the 2016 title .

  9. 在骑士队打破纪录之前,火箭队正是三分记录保持者之一,在2016年12月16日战胜新奥尔良鹈鹕队的比赛中三分球61投24中,其中61次的三分球出手仍然是现在联盟的记录。

    The Rockets were one of the teams that had shared the 3s record before it was broken by the Cavaliers , having shot 24-of-61 in a Dec. 16 , 2016 , victory over the New Orleans Pelicans ; Houston 's 61 attempts that night still stands as a record .