
  • 网络new tenant;The New Tenants
  1. 你能帮我找到一个新房客因为我的公寓吗?

    Can you help me find a new tenant for my flat ?

  2. 当他听到这个新房客的消息时。

    When he heard about his new tenant .

  3. 新房客被自己反锁在屋外,于是只好破门进去。

    The new tenants locked themselves out of their apartment and had to break in

  4. 我们昨天迁出,新房客今天就要迁入。

    We moved out yesterday and the new tenants are moving in today .

  5. 他们是公寓的新房客。

    They are the new tenants for the apartment .

  6. 我们是星期三迁出去的,新房客星期四就搬了进去。

    We moved out on Wednesday and the new tenants moved in on Thursday .

  7. 新房客胆子太小,不敢向房东抱怨房租太高。

    New occupants were too timorous to complain to the landlord about the high rent .

  8. 但不幸的是,对这里的新房客来说……他看到的风景将大不如前。

    But unfortunately for the room 's newest guest ...... the view was about to change . Dramatically .

  9. 有一个新房客要待一阵子。

    We gonna have us a visitor that 's gonna be staying with us for a little while .

  10. 为了挑战我们对无限的理解,他提问如果一个新房客要入住该怎么办?

    To challenge our ideas about infinity , he asked what happens if someone new comes along looking for a place to stay ?

  11. 这套房间将重新粉刷以接纳新房客.所以接纳不同,创新沟通,达成共识,协力推进是非常重要的。

    The flat will be refurbished for the new tenants . The ability to draw on these differences , influence others and then move forward with a common purpose is critical .

  12. 那位新房客签了一张三年、六年或九年的租约,并按照房子主人的规矩,预付了六个月房租。

    The lease was drawn up for three , six , or nine years by the new tenant , who , according to the rule of the proprietor , paid six months in advance .

  13. 毒枭矮子的两居室房子在拍卖会上屡屡未能引起人们的兴趣,不是因为担心他的某个边境杀手会对新房客不友好,而是因为这套房子已经破败不堪。

    El Chapo 's two-bedroomed house has repeatedly failed to attract interest at auction - perhaps less because of fear that one of his sicarios might not look kindly on a new tenant , than because the property is now decidedly rough round the edges .

  14. 杰里米·布雷特,这位新的房客在很多人心里永远住在了221B。

    The new and , for many , permanent resident of 221B was Jeremy Brett .

  15. 这个星期三,我们家入住了六位新“房客”。

    On Wednesday , six new tenants moved into my home .

  16. 原来呀,新“房客”是小金鱼。

    Actually , the new tenants turned out to be nine little goldfish .

  17. 他们的牢房还没有腾出,新的房客又已经派好;

    Before their cells were quit of them , new occupants were appointed ;

  18. 他还为当地闲置的房子找来了新的房客,并为小镇取得了一处河畔旅游胜地的使用权。

    He also found new tenants for the houses and received a conditional use permit for a riverfront resort .

  19. 那么你就是新的旅馆房客了?

    So you 're the new Motel guy ?

  20. 在修房期间予以安排新住处的房客购买本公司房产,房款可按年分期支付。

    Tenants rehoused during building repairs Payment for our real estate may Be made in annual installments .